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Exempt without Subordinates

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Florida

Hears the scenario. I get to the office at 8am. Work through the day, sometimes with a 30min lunch, and then leave at 6pm. Typical hours for my job are 8:30am-5:30pm. When I need to stay later or come in on my days off I do so to finish jobs that can't be completed with employees here. 2 questions. Since I am exempt what are my rights as far as overtime or other compensation for any hours over 40 worked? 2nd question pertains to my second job. Am I required to inform my day job that I have a second job outside of their working hours?

Thanks everyone who contributes to these forums


Senior Member
1) Exempt employees have no legal rights to overtime or alternative compensation.
2) There's no legal requirement to do so, it's really a matter between you and the employer.


I'm a Northern Girl
If you are correctly classified as exempt, there are no circumstances whatsoever in which you are legally entitled to any additional compensation over and above your regular salary, regardless of how many hours you work. Comp time is legal but not required - that is a matter between you and your employer.

The same goes for a second job - that is not addressed by law and is entirely an internal matter.

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