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Insurance Fraud by former spouse???

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state: Florida

What is the name of your state: Florida


I have been struggling for years to get my former husband to do anything that he agreed to and was ordered to do in our divorce settlement.

Our divorce was final July, 07

In my first settlement agreement it clearly states that former husband is to obtain COBRA health insurance on former wife on our exhisting family policy through his employmet with the Federal Governent, amonst many other things...

Months went by and former husband was not complying to anything.....nothing.

I sent him several emails requesting information of the health insurance, he would write back saying he forgot, and finally he wrote back and said he was doing it the following morning......so I let it go.

However he failed to adhere to anything else on the agreement so I had no other choice but to file contempt of court against him. On the day of the court date, just outside of the Judges chambers we agreed to return to my attorneys office and re-negotiate.

At that time I learned I was still listed on the health insurance policy as wife....both his attorney and my attorney said it was fine and in the new agreement it was written that former husband will keep former wife on the exhisting health insurance policy until March, 2010.

At that time I questioned the legality of doing this and immediately my former husbands attorney jumped up and accused me of being vindictive and simply trying to hurt former husband??

My attorney assured me everything woud be fine....and they drafted the document, we both signed and it was submitted to the Judge and she signed it.

A few months ago I again filed contempt of court charges against him because he still hasn't complied to anything....

A few days ago I heard that since he was a federal employee I could be entitled to whats called Spouse Equity and keep the insurance I have but I would be paying it in full vs the Federal Govt paying a portion....so I did some research on it...

Came to find out that after a divorce you are given only 30 days in which to change the status of your divorce for insurance purposes.....and 60 days to request the Spousal Equity Insurance.

Well that scared the sh** out of me needless to say so I called the Regional Human Resource office vs calling his work place......since I am divorced no one at his workplace or anyone for that matter will speak to me on many issues....it has to come from him.

The resource department informed me that I was illegaly named on the health insurance and even though he is the primary holder**************I would be the one responsible for any and all insurance charges throughout the 1 year 9 months since divorce was final....I had major surgery during that time and it was well over 100K dollars.

I don't know what to do...

How could both attorneys have us do that? How could my attorney advise me that it was okay to do that???

I have a court date in 10 days......one of the items listed in the complaint is that former wife is concerned that she may be listed fraudulently on former husbands insurance.

Is it possible that the insurance company can hold me liable for all this money even though I had no idea that this was taking place?

I don't know what to do.....

I have a phone conference with my NEW attorney next week but needless to say, I'm scared to death and almost had a nervous breakdown regarding this....

3 years 4 months of hell...

any advice would be greatly appreciated

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