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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Florida
I have a few questions but Ill give my situation 1st...

I'm 22, and I've lived in a central Florida apartment for 3 years this month. My girlfriend of 2 years and I split up around July of last year based on a pretty messed up situation of her going out and partying and staying at a few of my old friends apartments behind my back. After 1-2 months of being pathetic and dealing with the drama I was finally able to drop her altogether. Now the thing is that for 4-6 months everytime she'd be with them, they'd call and leave voice msg's and such saying all sorts of things. As much as I wanted to answer and say something or better yet just beat the hell outta these guys I never onced answered and hoped they would grow up and let this die. We'll it hasn't...on Christmas night I had someone pounding on my door about 4 am...went to the door nothing....30 mins later same thing nothing....the next morning I find all the patio furniture piled on top of eachother smashed and part of the frame of the porch broke. Now the thing is I live on the 2nd floor...but someone could get on the porch from the neighbors porch via a concrete beam to the steps....and since we didnt have screen on the porch due to the hurricanes last september. My neighbors frame was broke as well so my theory is 100% correct on how they got up (ballsy, but they did it). I called the police 2 days later, but I hadnt touched anything yet. I'm not the kinda dude who would call cops on anything unless its life threathening really and had to really decide this since 8 months ago we were all friends and I really didnt have 100% proof it was them except for the fact the ex GF called me that nite to say she was coming by and left them and pissed them off. The police wouldnt even come to the house....said theres noway to really do anything about it. So I replaced the furniture and the apartments finally fixed everyones screen porches on Jan 28th. On Feb 3rd (my b-day is the 2nd, so I guess this was a bday present) I get a rude voicemail from my Landlords telling me I need to call them immediately to discuss the costs of fixing the screen that was ripped off my porch or I would be evicted in 30 days. So on my lunch break I went and 5 of the 6 panels of screen were laying inside my porch and one was connected and ripped. (the others could be fitted back into place) The ripped on had a small hole and the screen was pushed in like someone threw something at it. Mind you none of the other 40 something apartments had anything wrong with them. So I explained to the landlords what I thought happened (the old friends doing it on my b-day) and told em I would put the ones I could back up and they didnt say anything about any charges or fees for it and it looks 100% fine now... I called the police again and they told me that unless I got a witness or someone admitted or the apartment tried to charge me for this they wouldnt come out. So once again Im left screwed. Now For February my rent was late...base rent it $614, its $50 more the 1st day (the 2nd) and $10 per day after that. I got a notice on the 7th saying I owed them $794 by the 10th or face eviction....We'll according to those fees I exlplained it should of only been $744 on the 10th. I had no prior late fees or any kind...so where's this extra $50 coming from? Seems like a nice little clever way to charge for the screen. So I paid 734, since it was the 9th of Feb. A week passes and I get a notice saying I owe $180 in fees now, supposely they told me the wrong total of 794 originally but since as they say "they arent charging me for the screens" the police wont write a report. I'm probably just gonna pay the 180 and rent for march and get it over with this week to shut them up cause Im house hunting now anyway but here's my questions to the good people who took the time to read this long ass post....

1. What do you recommend I do about the friends who continue to mess up my stuff, but not enough to have the police take the time to care? I don't wanna stoop to their level...but ideas are accepted :)

2. What should I do if I honestly beleive I don't owe them any money and I'm being charged for the screens?

3. Overall thoughts? If it were you....what would you do?

Cameras and stuff sound kinda cool but thats just alot of trouble....let me know and thanks!



1. What do you recommend I do about the friends who continue to mess up my stuff, but not enough to have the police take the time to care? I don't wanna stoop to their level...but ideas are accepted :)

2. What should I do if I honestly beleive I don't owe them any money and I'm being charged for the screens?

3. Overall thoughts? If it were you....what would you do?

1 No idea

2 Pay

3 No idea

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