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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? NV
6/2006 Parties' settlement agreement was signed into Stipulation and Order by judge. Scheduled supervised visitation occurred for 2.5 years without incident. In the 15 paragraphs of conditions, one was not to revisit past issues in future litigation. Thus I did not file a complaint about opposing attorney disobeying prior court order for "joint telephonic communication with a court ordered evaluator' while evaluation was in progress.

1/2009 case assigned to new judge. Other side's new attorney filed to terminated visitation alleging "THOSE ISSUES" we agreed not to litigate. Most of those issues do not comport with legitimate evidence on record. In 6/2006 the settlement agreement cancelled the scheduled evidentiary hearing where those matters would have been "bad for opposing side"

new judge discontinued visitation citing opinions and allegations by opposing attorney -- and will no longer enforce prior court orders --- all without evidentiary hearing (i.e. on a 'he said' basis). I timely filed for rehearing, reconsideration, and appeal (which I am now informed I will lose because my issue is too small to remand)

Furthermore, I have learned (on good authority) that opposing side intends to sue for 'harassment' when my appeal is lost.

I met the requirements in 2005 to petition for visitation. Second judge claims I did not (without citing a rule/law/ or the statute NRS125C.050 (2) (3)

Filing a complaint with the NV Bar re first attorney's misconduct does my case no good but I want to counter-claim the impending suit for $$ with my proof/evidence/documents proving present attorney's claims are FALSE and his new accusations (which are the old ones we agreed not to litigate) are also FALSE (which I can prove).

Is this logical? How else can I now avoid further damage? I understand the appeal is my last effort to regain visitation.

BTW, I am afraid of the new judge who fined me attorney fees after denying the opposition's contempt motion --- which is a warning the new judge will allow their suit for harassment to take a lot of money from me.What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?

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Senior Member
Since none of us have sat down and read the case materials thoroughly, we can't tell you what will happen, nor can we say for sure what actions a new judge might take.

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