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Minor caught w/sale, posession etc.

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Junior Member
17 year old in CA got convicted with following ticket at his high school: CVC 2800 (failure to obey to police), CVC 23103 (reckless driving), CVC 22452 (stop sign) and CVC 22107 (unsafe turn). This was all on one ticket. His driving record so far has one point for a small fender bender plus ticket for wrong lane change which he did traffic school for. We have received a letter from juvenile probation that we will hear from them within 30 days.
THEN he got a citation for mj (11358 h&s). He was in the car, and the officer found mj. The officer looked at the cell phone which had txt msg about selling mj. It was under an ounce.
THEN he got caught for posession of mj just yesterday which is CVC 23 222.
He is still a juvenile.
This is really bad, but i am wondering what he will be looking at. Since it is taking so long in the juvenile system (the school ticket happened end of Oct 08, and i called to find out who the po will be, but they have no info on it). Please advise -- we don't have money for a lawyer. I hope they will teach him a lesson with drug testing, drug class - something that will help him. He will be 18 at the end of this month. Will they trial him as an adult? Will he need to go to jail? What about his records, can he seal them later? Surely they will suspend his license. Fines for all those charges?
Thanks for your advise


Senior Member
He may be facing some jail time.

Selling drugs is pretty serious stuff.

How much pot did they catch him with?


Junior Member
Minor getting into lots of trouble the past 3 mths.

Both times it was under an ounce.
But a 'intend to sell' charge is more serious then possession, and now he got citations for both of those. Even though it was under one ounce for both times - with the citations he got from school for driving reckless on top of it, he should be in a lot of trouble. Just wondering in how much trouble he will be, and if he will be tried as an adult.
I hope they's take his license, and hopfully make him take a drug class, and give him counseling. Not sure if jail would really help him.
I was just wondering if he will stay within the juvenile system and hopefully get help/consequences through them - or if he will go to an adult jail. And what the fines will be. A friend of his got caught twice selling mj, but it was a lot of mj each time. His license got taken for 2 yrs, and he was on house arrest for 3 mths. This boy was also 17.
But he did not go to jail.
However, I heard parents need to pay daily for house arrest, and if they can't afford it, they kid will have to go to jail instead. Is that true, and how much would house arrest cost per day?
I have so many questions - but if someone has knowledge about situations such as this, please let me know.
Not sure of the house arrest, but the cost of incarceration of a juvenile relative was $90/day. Different state, but can bet it will be costly.

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