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Neighbors Trees Did Wreak Havoc

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Just Mike

What is the name of your state? Colorado

My question: Should my neighbor reimburse me, legally? Should I take him to court?

This is what really happened, for now it is over and working, at my expense:

As I have explained in another thread I live in a very small mountain community in a valley. My septic system is in my side yard, tank and leach field. Not much room between my system and the fenceline but it is legal setbacks. Along this fenceline between my property and my neighbor stood many many large 40 foot tall cottonwood trees. These trees were probably 40-50 years old. My septic started acting up so I called out a guy to pump my tank. We discovered the tank was absolutely totally engulfed in roots from these cottonwood trees, so was the leachfield. I cleaned the tank and made it work for another year or so but it was obvious something needed to be done. During that year one of the cottonwood trees fell and landed on the roof of my guest home. It did some damage but luckily not a lot. I removed it myself. I went to my neighbor and showed him the tree on my roof and explained to him that the trees need to come out as they were destroying or had already destroyed my septic system. He told me he would look into it. He did have a tree guy come out but nothing was ever done. I didn't mention it to him again. Shortly thereafter I took my chainsaw, my tractor and my wife and we cut down 23 of the 40 foot tall monster cottonwood trees very carefully one at a time. I do know how to do this very well. I cut them into about 12 foot lengths and they now comprise a pile of wood on my neighbors property next to the creek about 40 feet long, 30 feet wide and 15 feet tall. The tree man wanted almost 20 grand to do the work I did in three days. I did it at my own expense.

I then went to work getting a permit to put in a new septic system. They call it a "repair permit". In order to comply with county rules I needed to put part of the underground leach field on my neighbors side of the fence. I went to him and asked if I could have an easement for this purpose. He said, sure, no problem, I want to be a good neighbor. So, I proceeded to have the easement drawn up legally by my other neighbor who happens to be the parallegal for the county attorney. I took the paperwork to my tree neighbor to have him sign it so it could be recorded. He then informed me that his wife wanted 6 thousand bucks for the use of 500 square feet of their property. I blew my stack at first. We settled on 2250 bucks, I gave them a check and we recorded the easement and I now have a new septic system in place working very well.

This took place a year ago. The more I think about what really happened the more mad I get. I needed the septic system in and I needed it done before winter so I agreed to the insane ransom I had to pay. Now I am thinking that my septic was destroyed in the first place by his trees. I saved him about 20 grand the tree guys would have charged to remove the trees and then I pay this guy 2250 bucks for the privilege of fixing my system that his trees destroyed. All in all it cost me 6 grand plus a lot of my own labor in taking out the trees.

Should I just forget it or should I go see an attorney about getting compensated for what I never should have had to pay for in the first place. The septic is in and working so I now have time to "sit and contemplate". No pun intended. :) Oh, just a little I guess.


Senior Member
Personally, if I were you I'd be thankful he didn't sue for removing 23 of his trees!!! Why did you think you had the right to do that?

Just Mike

Personally, if I were you I'd be thankful he didn't sue for removing 23 of his trees!!! Why did you think you had the right to do that?
Because they were encroaching on my property and causing damage. I don't have a problem with fixing things. I have never been sued and I have never sued anyone else, so far. When someone is damaging my property I put a stop to it immediately. I am not one to just sit around and complain about it, I fix it.

Are you telling me you would let someone get away with not removing trees that were falling on top of your home or guesthome that could very realistically kill someone in your family. If so that is too bad. When it comes to the safety of my family I don't wait, I take action.
Mike, you trespassed on your neighbor's property, destroyed 23 of his mature trees with a total value of about $37,000, and now complain that you had to pay a paultry $2250 for 500 sq. ft. of his property. You're really lucky he's such an easygoing guy. I'd have sued you, obtained a judgment, and put a lien on your property for this. You had no right to do this, septic tank or not. That septic tank is your responsibility, especially since the trees were there long before your tank (50 yrs). Your other options would have been to move your tank, connect a very long ways to a public sewer system, or suck that tank out continually. Not to trespass and destroy someone else's property. Be glad he didn't sue you and put it behind you. Send him a thank you card!

Just Mike

I have to laugh out loud at some of the responses based on not knowing the real situation I was dealing with. A public sewer system, now that one really makes me laugh. You sure don't understand where I live.

The neighbor agreed to take out the trees. That is why he called a tree guy out, to take out the trees. I saved the guy a whole lot of money by taking the trees out for him. He did appreciate what I did and told me so.

My grand kids sleep in my guest home. A tree fell on that guest home. If it were the right tree and the right conditions it would go right through the roof of my guest home. When it comes to the safety of my little grand daughters I take action and I do it immediately. Too bad there are so many spineless people in this world that would allow family members to get hurt by something so ridiculous as a tree. You all sound like a bunch of "tree huggers". I am glad this country isn't protected by you people who have responded. We would all be wearing rags on our head and praying to Allah. Jeez, what a bunch of whimps. When it comes to my grand daughters I protect them against any and all idiots.

Just Mike

Mike, you trespassed on your neighbor's property, destroyed 23 of his mature trees with a total value of about $37,000, and now complain that you had to pay a paultry $2250 for 500 sq. ft. of his property. You're really lucky he's such an easygoing guy. I'd have sued you, obtained a judgment, and put a lien on your property for this. You had no right to do this, septic tank or not. That septic tank is your responsibility, especially since the trees were there long before your tank (50 yrs). Your other options would have been to move your tank, connect a very long ways to a public sewer system, or suck that tank out continually. Not to trespass and destroy someone else's property. Be glad he didn't sue you and put it behind you. Send him a thank you card!
You are about as full of crap as they come. Sure you would have sued me and I would have been the very last person on this earth you would have attempted to sue. ha ha

Just Mike

Mike, you trespassed on your neighbor's property, destroyed 23 of his mature trees with a total value of about $37,000, and now complain that you had to pay a paultry $2250 for 500 sq. ft. of his property. You're really lucky he's such an easygoing guy. I'd have sued you, obtained a judgment, and put a lien on your property for this. You had no right to do this, septic tank or not. That septic tank is your responsibility, especially since the trees were there long before your tank (50 yrs). Your other options would have been to move your tank, connect a very long ways to a public sewer system, or suck that tank out continually. Not to trespass and destroy someone else's property. Be glad he didn't sue you and put it behind you. Send him a thank you card!

Where exactly did you come up with a value of 37 grand for 23 cottonwood trees.? I am falling outta my chair laughing on this one. Here in Colorado we consider Cottonwood trees just large weeds. They have no useful purpose. Perhaps you need to go to tree school. ha ha


Senior Member
The cost for the removal of the tree that fell on your home is your cost. The ONLY way the neighbor is responsible for that cost is if the tree was diseased AND he knew about it.


Senior Member
Fake Post Detector


Carrying on about Allah and tree huggers.

I doubt a person this stupid is capable of property ownership.

Just Mike

The cost for the removal of the tree that fell on your home is your cost. The ONLY way the neighbor is responsible for that cost is if the tree was diseased AND he knew about it.

Actually, all those trees had rotten spots throughout their trunks etc. That is what cottonwood trees do after a period of time and then they eventually do fall down causing lots of damage since they are so heavy.

My neighbor thinks he is responsible for a tree on his side of the fence as we did talk about that and homeowners insurance issues etc.

Where exactly do you come up with what you said, I am just curious ? I did remove the tree off my guest home myself at my own cost which wasn't much. It just takes some fancy footwork on the roof with a chainsaw roaring away :)

Just Mike

I'm an insurance agent. This claim would have been filed with your insurance company, not his.
Well, in that case I do believe you. My brother in law out in California owns the largest independant insurance agency in that state and he too agrees with you. I didn't feel the need to file a claim due to the fact the damage was slight (luckily) and I can do that sort of thing myself and would prefer to.

It is obvious you are the only one that responded that knows what you are talking about and not just here to entertain yourself as these other morons are. I appreciate that. Thank you for your input.

MO. On edit I would imagine since the trees from my neighbors side of the fence would be at my cost or more accurately my insurance companies cost I would imagine my insurance company would be happy I removed the threat and the chance those trees could cost the insurance company money in the future. Obviously that threat is completely gone now, my grandkids are safe playing out on that side of the property etc. All is well. :)
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