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Roommates unpaid bills

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Junior Member
Ok we lived in a house with my husband's cousin and the cousins friend. We were all on the lease. When the lease was up the friend and the cousin were supposed to move out leaving only me and my husband.

The cousin had drug his feet and had not gotten. His ducks in order on the trailor he was buying. He needed a place to stay it it was compleated. We allowed him to live there. He offered to pay 150.00 a month because that would pay most of the utility bills. He worked on the road 3 weeks out a month so it was not that bad.
He left the bills in his name. Due to us not have the money up front to transfer them. There was never a written or verbal agreement for us to be solely responsible for the bills.
He took another position in his company which allowed him to stay home and work from home. The bills skyrocketed. He would leave all the lights on in the house ( both livingroom ceiling fans with 5 bulbs each, kitchen celining fan 5 bulbs, laundry room light, his bedroom light, his bathroom light, hallway bathroom light, computer plugged in, chargers, printer, tv, and DVD player on all the time wither he was home, in bed, or gone. He refused to change this habbit. His statement t was "it's not hurting anything."

We explained with him being home more the bills were becoming more expensive. That we could not afford it. He got mad and said he would not pay more.

We had a 6 month lease. We had to terminate our lease 2 months early. We simply could not aford everything. We needed to get away from the cousin and find a cheaper place to live. So we saved and moved. He is not suing is for all the unpaid bills and slander in small claims court.

Help... I don't deny we owe some but not all of the money and certainly not for slander. And before anyone asks the reasons we waited till he took us to court is because he can be violent. He has threaten other people with fire arms. So we moved and never told him where due to fear. He had us served at my husband's parents on thanksgiving, because he knew we would be there.

Gail in Georgia

Senior Member
"We had a 6 month lease. We had to terminate our lease 2 months early. "

You didn't "terminate" your lease. You broke it.

Sounds like you owe for your share of two months worth of rent (unless he found tenants to replace you) plus your share of the utilities.



Junior Member
We talked to our land lord and they ok us to move out. He was not on our lease anymore. He just left the utility bills in his name. We were allowing him to stay there. Yes I know I know I owe our portion of said utility bills. He is suing for the entire amount of all utility bills + slander.
We offered to pay our half of the bills after we all moved out. Yes he left too. He refused it and said he wanted the total amount or else. While trying to talk to him he demanded the entire amount or he would come kick my husband's ass, said his gun would ensure he would win. Hince the he does not know where we live and why we are willing to go to court over it.

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