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What is the name of your state? Iowa

The CP is required by the divorce decree to provide health insurance for the children. It was signed in February and she has yet to provide the insurance information to the NCP. Earlier today, during a telephone conversation, she again refused to provide the NCP with the insurance information as well as the names of the doctors she has taken the children to. Due to this refusal, I typed up the following letter:

Sent via First Class Mail and Certified Mail #xxxxxxxxx

xxxxx, 2003


As you are no doubt aware, you are required by our divorce decree, signed on February xx, 2003, to provide health insurance for our children. It is now May and I have yet to receive either insurance cards for them or a listing of in-network physicians in the xxxx area. On xxxx, I will be picking up our children for my summer visitation.

On or before that date, I will need the following information from you:
* Insurance cards.
* A listing of in-network physicians in the xxxx area who accept our children's health insurance.
* A list of any and all doctors, dentists, pediatricians, mental health professionals, and specialists our children have received treatment from, including their addresses, phone numbers and the times when I or any doctor I may take our children to are most likely to be able to reach them.
* A list of any and all medicines and prescriptions our children are currently taking as well as a copy of the prescriptions themselves.
* A copy of both our children's complete and total medical records.

As your attorney can confirm, Iowa Code 598.41 1e. states "Unless otherwise ordered by the court in the custody decree, both parents shall have legal access to information concerning the child, including but not limited to medical, educational and law enforcement records." Since there is no court order barring me from contact with our children and since we have joint legal custody of our children, your failure to comply with my request may result in your being found in contempt of court. I am also requesting, as a courtesy, that you inform me when and if our children begin seeing any other doctors, dentists, pediatricians, mental health professionals, and specialists."

Okie, dokie. Does the letter sound okay or does anyone have any suggestions as to what I am missing here?
Again, thanks for any and all advice (legal or otherwise).



Shouldn't you just take this to your attorney, and file with the courts? Can't you file contempt charges under this denial of insurance information?
I would do that...Do not waste your time in a letter. Just contact your attorney, and take it to a judge.
Good Luck and God Bless!

Lil Miss Smarty Panties

* A copy of both our children's complete and total medical records. *

It's your responsibility to get this from the doctors if you want copies. (Unless it's specifically mentioned in your decree I suppose.)

The rest of the letter looks good to me.
That's what I said, too, LMSP but you know men. Oy! LOL
DChristian, the reason my SO wants to send the letter is to give her another chance to comply. She has a tendency to call her attorney every time she is in disagreement with something and he (her attorney) usually tells her what we've already told her for free. :D
By the way, LMSP, what's up with Flame Wars? I went to post my question there and it said the message board was down. I was very much disappointed! :(

Lil Miss Smarty Panties

aimoo does maintainance like that every once in a while. Beats me what they're doing. I never see any improvements. They're probably adding more freaking pop ups .:mad:

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