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Quick trademark/copyright question

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Senior Member
Quick update (actually, it's kind of becoming a log for me now) in case anyone cares...

The CU license will probably cost less than 1k. I looked at all the fees and I think it varies between 6k and $750, but since I'm so small it seems like it'll definitely be on the low end. I still have to crunch the numbers to see if it's worth it.

Haven't heard back from Pep Boys yet. Still have to send out to 3 other large auto parts stores. Not holding my breath with no sales.

I got my first order from a high school (no logos will be printed yet), the only one I've contacted so far. The principal wanted me to get some market research done during a school Halloween thing. Wasn't a huge fan so I offered to completely elminate his risk by buying back the unsold packages at the end of the school year in return for a display so the kids could play around with a sample. I figure if it does well we'll enter into a traditional buyer/supplier relationship and if it doesn't, no huge deal. This may be the best way to get into the high schools since they're afraid of spending money....I'll use it for the other high schools around Denver (unless you have a better idea?). I'm assuming I'll just draw up a quick contract stating the agreement, correct?

Safe to say that if I didn't want to hang out with my newborn so much that this would be progressing quite a bit faster but such is life, wouldn't trade it for the world!

Not much, but I gotta start somewhere!

P.S. Can I post a link here or is that not kosher? No worries if it's not.
Posts that contain links tend to be flagged automatically and will not be posted until the moderator has a chance to review it. This might mean a long delay in the post appearing, if it appears at all. So, in other words, it is best not to post links.

Because signed contracts are legally binding on all parties, it is generally best if you have your contracts drawn up by a professional so that all that needs covering is covered and all rights that need protecting are protected. I know this might seem like an unnecessary expense but a poorly-worded contract can lead to all sorts of legal woes later down the road should a dispute arise - and disputes arise with some frequency. Having a solid, well-constructed contract eliminates most problems.

I think your invention is one that is bound to be popular, especially with college students but also with high-schoolers and their parents. Starting small, with high schools, and working your way up to a licensing agreement with the colleges, seems a reasonable plan to me. You are making progress, as slow as the progress may seem to you. :)

I certainly can understand your desire to hang out with your newborn rather than working on your invention. You do not want to miss out on these early days and months with your baby. Babies grow FAST!

Continued good luck to you, davep763. We always appreciate updates and will continue to help you where we can.

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