it makes a difference now, because I got a call from my landlord that I mis-lead him into me signing a lease. And he wants to re-lease me from the lease because of what was told to him about me. That was my past, but it was presented to him as a present situation. I tried talking to him, but he said that there was nothing I could do, and that he believes the other party. I told my landlord that I went through a bad divorce 10 years ago, filed bankruptcy, and did like going to casinos, but I don't do that anymore. And I also told him before signing the lease that I did have a bankruptcy years ago, but my life is going good now, and that he already knew about that. Him and I got along great until this person (family member), called him to give him my life story. Isn't that being destructive and malicious? I understand slander is not slander if its truth, but what about someone telling a community about your past to turn them against you and hurt your reputation on purpose and presenting it as a problem which is happening now when its been years. Thanks