What is the name of your state? CA I had cosmetic surgery over a month ago (lyposuction on legs). The doctor told me that I would need a week off work and then I should be all better. The pain was so bad during the thrid week I called my doctor on the weekend and his partner was on call and called me back. He told me there is something seriously wrong and I shouldn't be in that much pain after 3 weeks. My doctor then called me back about five minutes after I talked to his partner and he said don't listen to his partner he is an alarmist and told me to just lay down it will heal soon. I went to the ER and the doctor told me I need to see a neurologist. I went to two different doctors and they both said I have nerve damage caused by the lypo and it could take up to a year to heal. I went back to the doctor who did the surgery and he claims he did nothing wrong. Do I have a strong malpractice case? I haven't been able to work since and can barely walk. What typically is a dollar amount I could expect if I did sue and win?