What is the name of your state?
I made an internet purchase which was paid for on Paypal.com. The item was supposed to be a leather designer jacket which turned out to be a fake in both aspects. The seller put in writing that he would refund the full purchase amount and all shipping charges incurred. The problem is the jacket had been shipped to Germany as a gift at a cost of over $600 in shipping and import taxes. The seller decided to refund me $25 for shipping even though he saw all of the shipping receipts as he requested. He refused to refund the rest of the shipping B/C I sent it overnight due to his 3 day refund stipulation. So, I have two questions:
First, what is the next step regarding this issue? Do I have a case?
Next, I have two addresses for the seller, one in New Jersey and one in Pennsylvania. I live in Maryland, so where should I start legal
proceedings if needed?
I made an internet purchase which was paid for on Paypal.com. The item was supposed to be a leather designer jacket which turned out to be a fake in both aspects. The seller put in writing that he would refund the full purchase amount and all shipping charges incurred. The problem is the jacket had been shipped to Germany as a gift at a cost of over $600 in shipping and import taxes. The seller decided to refund me $25 for shipping even though he saw all of the shipping receipts as he requested. He refused to refund the rest of the shipping B/C I sent it overnight due to his 3 day refund stipulation. So, I have two questions:
First, what is the next step regarding this issue? Do I have a case?
Next, I have two addresses for the seller, one in New Jersey and one in Pennsylvania. I live in Maryland, so where should I start legal
proceedings if needed?