Actually I really am curious. Although it does not matter because my SD's mother is so caught up in drug and alcohol addiction she cant take care of herself let alone bring forth some crap legal action against me for helping her child. Actually my SD's mom is GREATFUL that I am able to help. This is not a hostile situation between anyone in the family, if there is hostility, it is between US (MOM, DAD, and ME SM) and the school not between eachother.
The reason I am curious is because when I was a child I lived with someone who WAS NOT my parent. The school required her to sign an extra form when she enrolled me, that basically said she agreed to act as my guardian in issues pertaining to school. When my attendance became an issue, they brought her in and threatened to take action against her if she did not make sure I went to school.
If she suposedly had no legal right and could be sued by my parents or whatever you are saying is possible, how can the school hold her accountable for my attendence. She was not legally obligated right?!?
If it is as simple as signing a form agreeing to ACT as someones legal guardian... then what is the big issue?