I've called the county about head start programs and they only offer the program tochildren who are disabled or have special needs. I'm not trying to claim "daycare expenses". Preschool is educational, not daycare or childcare. Dad doesn't want visitation much less custody.I'm sorry....
1) preschool is not a requirment....I'm sure by "education costs" the law mean regular elementary/middle/high school registration and costs. Even if ajudge went along with it, if I were Dad I would pay no more than half and pay it directly to the preschool. Remnember costs like this is what CS is for in the first place.
2) I don't see how anyone could try to claim "daycare exenses" when theyt only work part time and from home.
And I just don't buy that there is no free or income based preschool. Nearly all states/counties have some form of Head Start program. That's just my opinion....I could be wrong.
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