So, here's one more question...
I was talking to my fiance last night about all of this and he's all for lowering his child support payments until we get the order modified when we move. His only hang up is, he's afraid his ex is going to get pissed off (because that's just the way she is) and throw in his face that he owes her half of some medical bills (i.e. co-payments and prescriptions) from the past few years (mostly because she never tells him about them). He has no problem paying that, he just assumed that because she never tells him about any kind of bills and nothing ever gets mailed to him from those doctors, that she was okay with it seeing as he overpays for his child support (which we added up last night was over $4,000 in "overpayment"). So, here's my question...if she does, indeed, decide to bring that up, can he just find out how much she has spent in the last three years on medical bills and tell her that was what the "overpayments" on the child support checks were? I'm quite certain she hasn't spent $4,000 in co-payments and prescriptions in three years. And, like I said before, the child support doesn't go through an agency. He writes them and gives them to her personally. Would this work?