You need to understand that most Americans don't care about a fighting a traffic ticket! Some come here for advice and usually the best advice for traffic tickets is ask for it to be reduced or to throw yourself at the mercy of the judge. Most Americans don’t care about spending hours preparing for trial, then some more in court, especially when they have no legal experience and could be doing something else with their time.
OK... that is just dumb. If people did not care about fighting a traffic ticket, why would they be coming here into this advice forum? You and I will have to disagree on the point that the best advice is usually asking for a ticket to be reduced or throwing yourself on the mercy of the judge. If you are going to be in court anyway, why not just go ahead and present a vialble defense?
I do agree that most people don't want to spend hours preparing for a trial. That's why they come here so they can get some advice from others who HAVE spent the hours. That's the whole purpose of this forum!!!
Now take your legal ignorance somewhere else. Go prepare for your big trial day or something. And don't come here insulting those of us who spend hours of our time trying to help others, just because you disagree with our legal opinion. Most of which, coming from many more years of legal experience and legal expertise then you will ever have.
Well... unless you are a lawyer, selling your opinion as "legal opinion" is not appropriate. And how much experience did it take for you to tell someone to just plead for mercy. You can disparraige me all you like, but my record is strong and it speaks for itself. However, I have yet to use your tactic of begging for mercy!