rmosher ... he'd have to file a false police report, or someone else would have to file the report based on what he said - and you'd have to prove the link between that, than you'd have to prove damages from that, etc. etc. etc. Honestly, I'd talk to your landlord, assure here there are no problems, because this person is blowing smoke because he doesn't like your friends (he doesn't have to like them, but it sounds like he's spreading lies)
I'd then ask the guy to stop making the accusations, and get an order of restraint against the guy, so he can't keep gosiping about you - and if he does, you'll then have something actionable. (breaking the order) ... you'll have to check with your local PD, or an attorney to find out how viable of a solution that is tho. It's a reach, but I'd try that angle myself.
Anyhow, on to BelizeBreeze ...
I am not going to respond to this thread other than your reply.
I not only find it insensitive, but totally ignorant and without basis in fact.
It may be insensitive, however, it's not "ignorant and without basis in fact." MOST* homeless people end up homeless because of their own faults. The homeless people then often beg for things from active members of society ... how is that not burden?
Just so you know, I spent almost a year 'living on the streets' with my bed under a bush beneath the I-30 railroad crossing of the Arkansas River in little rock, Arkansas.
So what, I was homeless too I've squatted under bridges, condemned apartment buildings, alleyways, parks, etc. - how does that relate to the majority of homeless people? Are they all going to be come lawyers, own multiple businesses and sit on internet forums all day arguing about other homeless people? You're a success story, and where I'm sure there are lots of stories out there, we'd find more success stories if people stopped the free handouts, and instead helped these homeless people back on their feet through outreach programs, education, and job placement assistance - and where you could almost call those handouts, they aren't because they are helping ALL of society. And for those who are unable to successfully work, help them establish housing and social security benefits. I was helped not by people handing me food, but by someone who took the time to help me find the resources to get off my ass and do something to help my situation - I didn't spit in his face by ignoring the help and just asking for food, I looked into those resources, found a job through a "day labor" establishment, rented a motel room (cheap motel) and started to climb back into society.
It was ONLY through the grace of churches, organizations and strangers that I was able to live and eat until I had the ability to brush myself off and move forward. now, 30 years later, I am retired, completed law school, own three companies and have my own 'harvey' who will be taking me on a trip shortly that will again have my bed beneath the stars (albeit with an ocean below me).
so what your saying is you were handed stuff until you CHOSE to do better for yourself? Would you have done better sooner if you were forced into it, or if someone guided you through the proper channels? What about those who have been refusing that help before they were ready to return to functioning society? Yours is one story, but there are countless stories of people who've gone without this type of help, who continue to drain society simply because either A) they don't want to, or B) they don't know how to. Why not help them find out how to rejoin society - free food does nothing but teach people they can get stuff for free.
Not all homeless people are playing the system just as not all whites are prejudice, all balcks are lazy and all chineese are bad drivers. and to state such in a legal forum is ignorant and not worthy of this legal forum.
Here's the most skewed statement ever ... I'm sorry you feel that way about other races, however, Homeless people are in a societal class which is outside normal functioning society, they are not a race of people. You're trying to compare apples to potatoes here. There are homeless people of all races and genders, so your example does not work. However, since you decided to go there, I'll attempt to address it anyhow. Homeless people ARE playing the system period. From the moment they start living outside of society, but still wanting free things from those who are a part of society, they become a burden. period. They are dependant only on the kindness of others - and they are playing the "pity me" card. Sound cold? well, it is. But again, I state, why not help them become active members of society through channels that will actually help them, not enable their homeless behaviors.
If you want to argue the homeless thing even more, feel free to PM me, this is better as a private debate as you said, as this is not the correct forum to debate it in.
Either way, the original point I was trying to make was - what if the neighbor, or the landlord feels similar to how I feel, and they call the Child Protection people because of your interaction with the homeless in your home - where the caseworker may feel that you're just trying to do good for those homeless people, they could still potentially take your child away because that social class tends to have a larger criminal element per capita, and if they want to, they can say the risks of leaving the child in that home outweigh the child's need to be with their parents. Child protection agencies have fairly free run of what they do, and lately they spend too much time on putting kids in foster care, than they do with helping the home situation to enable a positive support structure for the parents enabling them to be with the child.
For me, it's not worth that risk. I have been volunteering in homeless shelters for the past 7 years and I will continue to do so - but I will NEVER bring anyone to my home - I want to see everyone become successful, but just giving people free stuff is not the way to go - those who accept our help and we guide through the system come back and help out at the shelter on their days off of work to help and give back, those who refuse the help are still coming in for free handouts ... my bias is based on experience, not opinion. So go ahead and stay up there on your high horse looking down, you've made it quite clear (to me at least) that you forgot where you came from.