I know I'm just asking for punishment by adding my two cents, but some of these posts in here are just ludicrous. I realize that's a risk taken by getting free advice on the internet, but still.
I'd like to pre-empt this with the fact that we are NOT people who think "Oooh! Lawsuit! Yay!!" in this sue happy world lately I'm disgusted. People will sue anyone over anything it seems like. That's NOT what we're looking for.
Here are some facts left out by my husband.
1. My child is in a CH class. (Communicatively Handicapped class). They have 3 teachers for 12 students. This is a special needs class that ranges from my daughters problem (very light speech issues) to a child in there who cannot be left alone for one minute because he has speech issues as well as violent tendencies every once in awhile.
2. MY main problem with this whole issue isn't the injury perse (although I'm not quite happy with that, things happen, these ARE kids we're talking about) as to the fact that when I got there to pick her up on Friday, I was informed by the main teacher, that she had been swinging with her palms on two seperate desks, IN FRONT OF her for a little while she filled out paperwork. "A little" to me does not mean a few seconds. However, she then explained that my daughter fell forward and hurt her tooth. The call I received was "we think she might have chipped a permanent tooth."
Chipped a permanent tooth and coming to see my daughter with a curtain of blood in her mouth is TWO ENTIRELY different things. To me. But, whatever.. accidents still happen. I was not pleased with the fact that she'd been in that class with three teachers and not one of them would have told her to stop swinging like that. However, swinging isn't "that" bad, and whatever. She'd been doing it a bit, and was fine. Okay.
Here's what gets me.
I immediately left with my daughter after getting the brief explaination and took her to the doctors. (Mouth full of blood and my normally cheerful and talkative kid looking comatose. Not good.) Saturday goes by, the teacher had called my brother, not me, to ask how my daughter was. Okay.. .. then Monday comes, she calls me. I was asleep still so my husband answers the phone.
The story, which had been "she was swinging in front of me while I filled out paperwork" had thusly changed to "she was going to say goodbye to a friend in class, ran towards the door, swang on two desks and fell."
..... can you see where I'm a little perturbed? How did the story change from Friday to Monday? That raises ALL sorts of questions. I don't like sending my daughter to a school where they MIGHT be lying to me. If I can't trust them to tell me the gruesome truth ("yeah, I didn't tell her to stop.." makes me go "darnit, Please be careful" and leave it at that. Accidents happen. You Cannot predict these things.) then how can I trust them with the safety and life of my child? I already lost one, I refuse to lose another because they won't watch her.
To add some more background, I had to take my daughter to get her cast looked at in the middle of school. Brought her back to find them at recess with 60+ kids and only two teachers out there. There was a kid climbing on the pipes of the outside of the school building. He was halfway up before -I- went over to help him down. That rose another concern, but figured it was just one of those days.
... a broken arm and then the teeth thing? Now I'm getting paranoid. I'm not asking for the teacher to be a super hero and fly and catch my daughter before she falls, but rather not to let her swing like that perhaps? I don't let her swing on things at home, contrary to some people in this thread's beliefs.
Silverplum, grow up. Do you take your children to every possible place they could be in their lives and teach them what they can and cannot do? How does that possibly make us idiots for not knowing what our daughter does at school unless she gets injured and we have to come get her and find out?
Xylene, lest you forget, we're tax payers too.
We're not looking to screw people, but we have a family to raise too, and if this is something that's going to continue when it could have possibly been prevented is something that concerns us. Although I still think Nerf should be involved in the building of schools and playgrounds.
Also, -not attacking, asking!!- your statement that schools are just supposed to teach our children and not worry about their safety, am I reading that right? Because if so I'm lost.
I can't possibly be there every day of her school career to make sure she does Exactly what is supposed to. I DO expect the teachers to make sure she's not trying to be the next Evil Kenievil.. (sorry if I am misinterpreting!)
The alteration went from "she'd been swinging awhile and talking to the teacher" to "she ran, swang, then fell."
As for her being accident prone.. hee, she's not the most graceful, however, with 4 years of "school" under her belt (she's been going to speech therapy awhile and is almost ready for normal classes) it wasn't until this year and school that we've had injuries. (I am NOT claiming it can't happen, just emphasising concern.)
I will end now, just frustrated by some of the responses. Thank you for your time.