What is the name of your state? TN
I have a question that I'm hoping I didn't overlook while searching the site. I've read how a NCP can claim their child (court ordered) on their taxes if they're up on their child support.
My fiance and his ex-gf are in the midst of modifying their current parenting plan and in the new plan, my fiance requested that they alternate years to claim their daughter on their taxes. (Their current plan doesn't state anything about who claims her, the ex just claims her every year because she gets her W-2 first.) The child is 8 years old and they never went to court to establish custody/CS until she was 5. The ex requested back-child support for those 5 years and was granted it. These are now stated as "arrears" in the court order that he's been paying back and has since been on time with his CS since the court order went into effect. (I didn't think that it'd be called "arrears" seeing as there was no court order during those 5 years, I thought it would be called "retroactive support". Am I right?)
So, my question is, will the judge grant him the alternate years of claiming the child even though he's paying on "arrears"? Will that look like he's not up on his CS?
I have a question that I'm hoping I didn't overlook while searching the site. I've read how a NCP can claim their child (court ordered) on their taxes if they're up on their child support.
My fiance and his ex-gf are in the midst of modifying their current parenting plan and in the new plan, my fiance requested that they alternate years to claim their daughter on their taxes. (Their current plan doesn't state anything about who claims her, the ex just claims her every year because she gets her W-2 first.) The child is 8 years old and they never went to court to establish custody/CS until she was 5. The ex requested back-child support for those 5 years and was granted it. These are now stated as "arrears" in the court order that he's been paying back and has since been on time with his CS since the court order went into effect. (I didn't think that it'd be called "arrears" seeing as there was no court order during those 5 years, I thought it would be called "retroactive support". Am I right?)
So, my question is, will the judge grant him the alternate years of claiming the child even though he's paying on "arrears"? Will that look like he's not up on his CS?