This happened in Michigan.
There's a big and unimportant back story here, but suffice it to say a friend of mine was arrested for a DUI. As such, he went through the whole booking process of getting his picture taken, finger prints etc.
Shortly after, the case ended up being dropped for various reasons.
Does anyone know what happens to those finger prints and photos and whatever else they took? Is he, "in the system forever," so to speak or are those documents destroyed since the reason they were collected was dismissed?
There's a big and unimportant back story here, but suffice it to say a friend of mine was arrested for a DUI. As such, he went through the whole booking process of getting his picture taken, finger prints etc.
Shortly after, the case ended up being dropped for various reasons.
Does anyone know what happens to those finger prints and photos and whatever else they took? Is he, "in the system forever," so to speak or are those documents destroyed since the reason they were collected was dismissed?