Just an update for anybody searching this site on the same topic. My fiance went into court for his modification of visitation and his ex's lawyer brought up the issue of the medical bills, like we knew she would. She admitted to the judge that she's never sent him the first doctor/prescription bill - past or present - and doesn't tell dad when she's taking their daughter to the doctor. The judge told her that she can't expect him to pay for something that he doesn't know exists. BUT, he did reserve his ruling on the issue. He's giving the ex 30 days from the court date to find any doctor/prescription bills and submit them to dad and he has 30 days from that date to reimburse her for half
or he can go back to court to contest them.
Then, from that date on, she'll have 15 days to submit any and all bills to him and he has 30 days to reimburse her.
It could have been worse, so we're thankful for what he got. We're just wondering now, what if she comes back with an obscene amount of money that he owes and he's only got 30 days to pay it? Is there a way that he could take it back to court and ask to pay it in monthly installments?