Google " Texas Age of Majority".Could you please post the web site or the link that shows that info? Thanks so much
In my house, I wouldn't need a website.Could you please post the web site or the link that shows that info? Thanks so much
Does the 18 year old even OWN a house or is your daughter really trying to get someone else to pay to wipe her behind?What is the name of your state? Tx**************...... What age do you have to be in order to move out of your parents and move to your boyfriends(18 year old) house?
There you go with common sense again... these days people need a website to raise their kids instead of putting foots in proper behinds.In my house, I wouldn't need a website.
Yeah...I know...The gray is starting to show a bit and... well.....I won't even say what is going on with the girls!Wait...this is the same mother who bought it when her daughter said she could change her age...
BTW... Bay and Osmosis...your age changes expire at midnight. Back to adults for both of you!