Like you, my mother grew up in the "good ole days" of the 1950s. Her father was an abusive monster who beat the crap outta her and her brother every couple of days. Despite clear signs of serious abuse, no teacher, no neighbor, and certainly not my mother or uncle, ever called the police. Even if they did, the likelihood that charges would be pressed against her father for "disciplining" his kids was probably slim and none. Nowadays, he'd be in prison.I went to grade school in the fifties, in El Paso, Texas. Corporal punishment was quite common in the school. I must admit, I deserved to get my ass whupped by the Principal every once in a while. Ya see, in the fifties and sixties, this country wasn't experienceing the insanity of random violence that is so prevalent in our society today, especially amongst the youth. Now a days kids are taught at the public schools on how to dial 911 if they think their parents are mistreating them. So people say that if certain rules are not enforced then that puts all children in jeopardy. So we must not spank even one child, lest you do, then pay the piper. Nah, better yet, let our misguided goodness lead us in to anarchy. Hey, then we can start over.
I think I like it better now, even if that means a few swats on a bratty kid's ass could land Pop in jail overnight.