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CC if you don't mind I do have a question for you (hopefully an intelligent one). I suspect that the lawyers just want me to have to hire them instead of going pro se, but I will accept the answer from you no matter what I want to hear LOL.
If I file for divorce do I have to take child support? Knowing full well that if I go on state aid (very unlikely) that the state will request it. I personally do not want it.


I did not show you any disrespect, so please do not show me any. This is my thread and ment to be :D light and airy.


Senior Member
CC if you don't mind I do have a question for you (hopefully an intelligent one). I suspect that the lawyers just want me to have to hire them instead of going pro se, but I will accept the answer from you no matter what I want to hear LOL.
If I file for divorce do I have to take child support? Knowing full well that if I go on state aid (very unlikely) that the state will request it. I personally do not want it.
What state are you in? Generally, you don't have the right to deny your child support because it is the responsibility of BOTH parents to support their child(ren). Why, if you don't mind are you willing to go without support? I typically tell people that even if they feel like they don't NEED support (as in my situation), then take the money and put it in an interest bearing account or a college savings fund for the children. You would have to give the judge some good reason as to why he doesn't enter an order for support though. I've seen it happen (usually when the CP has a significanly higher income than the NCP), however... that is up to the judge.


and since this is my thread tweety, I just read your other post to the woman wanting to move to tennessee and YOU are calling CC hateful ROFLMAO:rolleyes:


I did not show you any disrespect, so please do not show me any. This is my thread and ment to be :D light and airy.
Oh, sorry for interferring with your thread . I just wanted some advice so I could sleep tonight, without worry.My son was dumb in his choices, but every baby deserves a chance to be safe and happy. Maybe courtclerk will actually give you some. goodnight and good luck!!


Senior Member
Lol, you are just so into yourself .

Yes, most times I am... :D

I don't care if your degree is paid for.

As you shouldn't. You didn't pay for it. Why should you care. I just threw that in because "i'm so into myself." I also don't care one way or another what you think if that's any suprise to you.

You probably don't even have one.

And I probably do too. Don't be mad. You could get one too...

I don't see why anyone would hire you as hateful as you are.

Obviously because I'm good at what I do and I'm generally only irritated by stupid people.

You are of no help to anyone but yourself.:eek:
Correction... I was probably no help to YOU (but your help can't come from the net), but I've been plenty of help to many people...:)


Senior Member
Oh, sorry for interferring with your thread . I just wanted some advice so I could sleep tonight, without worry.My son was dumb in his choices, but every baby deserves a chance to be safe and happy. Maybe courtclerk will actually give you some. goodnight and good luck!!
And seeing as if it's Tweety online spending sleepless nights over this and not her son. Is anyone (that matters that is) REALLY concerned??? Again, the baby could be happy and healthy and no one would know it because she doesn't even know where the kid is.


CC I know that my husband makes a lot more then I do, and we could really use the money. I am hoping the situation will sway the judge to not require it from my hubby. Through Iowas infinate wisdom they were going to give visition to my x who I discovered through a horror of events is a pediphile. The judge knowing the circumstances and that even after 8 years of not legally being able to see the children and not complying with any of the courts orders, the judge decided that going fishing on a nice day was more important then telling my x no.
My current husband adopted them even though he never wanted children, he did this as a favor to me, to protect my children which had allready been hurt once (oldest child horrably hurt) from the x.
If he pays child support he will lose the home his late wife (love of his life) left him when she passed away. I cannot in good concious make him loose what he has worked to keep all for a favor.


Senior Member
CC I know that my husband makes a lot more then I do, and we could really use the money. I am hoping the situation will sway the judge to not require it from my hubby. Through Iowas infinate wisdom they were going to give visition to my x who I discovered through a horror of events is a pediphile. The judge knowing the circumstances and that even after 8 years of not legally being able to see the children and not complying with any of the courts orders, the judge decided that going fishing on a nice day was more important then telling my x no.
My current husband adopted them even though he never wanted children, he did this as a favor to me, to protect my children which had allready been hurt once (oldest child horrably hurt) from the x.
If he pays child support he will lose the home his late wife (love of his life) left him when she passed away. I cannot in good concious make him loose what he has worked to keep all for a favor.
May I say that that is completely honorable of you... although I can't imagine what a judge will say. Here's what I'm thinking you COULD do though. I have no idea whether Iowa requires all support payments to go through CSE (child support enforcement), however, if it does, you can receive the money and give it back....

or... if it is possible that the court orders that it be paid directly to you... just don't accept it. Now that is dangerous because not being able to tell the future, you have no idea what could happen to you years down the line and you MAY need state assistance, making him responsible to pay back the state.


Thank you CC for answering. I understand that if something (god forbid) does happen and I need state aid, that Iowa will demand repayment, as long as it is not me asking for it. Iowa does go through CSE and have thought of just giving him the support debit card back. The only hitch in the whole thing is I cannot afford a lawyer and do not understant any of the child support paperwork AHHHHHHHHH:eek:. I am thinking now that I may have to have CSE handle it so at least the child support paperwork would be done LOL, and all I have to worry about is the divorce end of it.


Senior Member
Thank you CC for answering. I understand that if something (god forbid) does happen and I need state aid, that Iowa will demand repayment, as long as it is not me asking for it. Iowa does go through CSE and have thought of just giving him the support debit card back. The only hitch in the whole thing is I cannot afford a lawyer and do not understant any of the child support paperwork AHHHHHHHHH:eek:. I am thinking now that I may have to have CSE handle it so at least the child support paperwork would be done LOL, and all I have to worry about is the divorce end of it.

The support (order) end of it should be handled in the divorce. If the split is amicable, you may be ok with doing this with one attorney (just make sure you two agree on EVERYTHING). Take the support order to CSE and they will deal with the enforcement of the support.

I've had enough of these boards for the night... time for me to get some sleep. Good luck and have a good night.

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