What is the name of your state? vt. I received the information from my son's school. finally!! Now here is my new problem. Everything on my son's records lists his stepmom as guardian/other parent. His school registration which was done in 2002 when she was "the" girlfriend she circled herself as guardian. There was a choice: parent/guardian/mother. She circled guardian, but she was only a girlfriend back then. Now they are married. Now on my son's emergency contact information she again has signed as the parent/guardian. My ex's signature is not on this. Plus I am not listed as a contact person, only her family. My son's IEP of two years has her and my ex as "the" parents. I was never informed from my ex of my son having special needs, nor of any IEP in place. He has been having problems following directions. All I asked from my ex when he got custody was copies of my son's progress reports and to keep me informed. I have liberal visitation and spend alot of time with my son, but I had no clue of him needing an IEP for educational purposes. I called the school but never received any information. The school is claiming no record of me calling. This is so outrageous! So, again this year I mentioned to my ex, I want to know why I have not received anything. He said he had no clue. I contacted the school again, this time screaming for my rights? At first they denied me, then finally sent me all my son's file for the last 3 years. My frustration though is that I feel I was intentionally misled, mis-informed, and excluded from my son's educational needs. I can no longer trust my ex, and really dislike his new wife now. This is stepping way over the line. The school claims now they did not know I was still in the picture due to my name not included, and how the parents were listed. Is there anything legally I can do so that this never happens again? I don't have custody, and have only rights to information. Can this be a change of circumstance to at least petition the courts so that I can have some say in my son's life due to being left out like this? Leaving mom out on purpose I would think is not in the best interest of my son's well being. Some of the evaluations show that the divorce between his dad and me has impacted him emotionally. I don't want to uproot him, I just want some say as his mom, he is MY son too! And, can stepmom legally sign herself as guardian because dad has full legal custody?? Shouldn't dad have first say, then mom second in case of emergency? Thanks Faith
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