What to ask for??
This property is currently unoccupied but it is not unattended. I go get the mail 2-3 times a week and check on the property, and mow every other weekend. I visit this property more than most people visit their lake homes. We are planning on putting the property on the market to sell in the next few weeks. It is in a neighborhood and I have neighbors on both sides watching the house. What chaps my butt is the fact that my current insurance company is acting like I'm someone they have no relationship with. My agent is telling me it is the underwriter that is giving him a no go. After 20+ years, maybe I need to seek a new insurance company!!
My question is: Should I ask for renter's insurance, or second home / vacation home insurance. Obviously if I ask for the correct scenario, vacant home insurance, I'm having trouble. I am willing to forego theft/vandalism coverage, since we have taken the items of value out of the house. The rest of the stuff in the house is garage sale stuff. I am just wanting to have the structure insured.
Any recommendation or advice is appreciated