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long story short, 13 year old son in middle school. over the weekend, his former friend made many calls (20+ calls in 4 hours) to my son, harrassing him about his girlfriend. i say former friend, because they had a falling out over summer because of this girlfriend.
school on monday: is a confrontation between the two boys. he is sent to vice prin. office. they question him. (school has already been informed by me they are not to question him, unless i am there, for any reason.) they also make him write a statement for the argument and the myspace account.
then they call me, precede to inform me of this argument. and add that my son has created a myspace account as a parody of a teacher. he is sentenced to 4 days of OSS immediately.
it turns out that the former friend involved in the argument, was also involved in the myspace account: the boys made this myspace together before they quit being friends over summer. the boys are equally guilty. however:
parents of other boy called me: their son has been serving inschool suspension this week. vice prin told them on monday, there would be a principal hearing for both boys on friday, at which time further discipline will be decided. the second boy WAS "written up" for the argument, but it is my understanding his ISS is due to the myspace account only.
my son was then "ordered" to attend an alternative school for these four days of OSS. i refused to send my son to this alternative school. the school is billed as an "alternative" to an "unstructured OSS where the child stays home". i object to this school for many reasons. the other boy was not given OSS.
i have asked the school several times what happens monday: does he go to his regular school? no one can tell me.
i finally am able to talk to vice prin today. she finally tells me today AFTER i demand another conference, that there IS in fact a principal hearing scheduled for my son on friday as well, to determine further punishment. when i ask her why she is only just now informing me of this, she says she only just found out. when i tell her quite bluntly that she knew this MONDAY, she took an attitude, and told me she does not have to inform me of anything according to any schedule.
in regards to the argument between the two boys: my son did not touch the other boy. the other boy shoved my son. according to that boys mother, he is not in trouble at school for this argument because the evidence against him is purely "hearsay".?????!!!!!!
in regards to the online account: i deleted it immediately. and i have already seen a few cases where the aclu has been involved, and basically it has been decided that this is free speech and my son can not be suspended for it. however, he already has been?
what are my rights? my son is no angel, i am not defending his actions. i am trying to protect my son from the school that told me "you are stupid" and "you have given up your parental rights the day you enrolled in public school".
i have been present when this vice prin. questioned my son in other matters, and i have seen how she lays verbal traps, deliberatly confuses the issues, and "leads" the conversation to get the responses she wants: a thirteen year old boy is simply no match.
she takes the situations personally. for example: asked him a yes or no answer: he said no, very honestly. the next day she asks him the same question in a diff way, he responds with a no, but with more info. she immediately accused him of lieing because, even though he answered the same way as the first time she asked, he added more. then her entire demeanor changed: "you lied to ME". she took it as a personal insult to her, and her treatment of my son since then has changed: she is now jumping on any excuse to punish.
but back to today: in conversation today, she tells me that she now has an email alledgedly from my son. this email was supposedly sent to my high school aged daughters friend from my son. this email supposedly states that my son is threatening to get a switchblade and stab someone. my son denies this, says no such email exists. i have no idea how this email came to be at my sons school.
to complicate this even more: there is a group of kids at his school that he simply does not get along with. everytime my son has been called to the office, it is because these other boys have said "he did this" or "he did that". there is a definite pattern that the school refuses to aknowledge. when my son voices a defense, the vice prin simply says that my sons defense is "hearsay".
in reading our handbook and in conversation with other parents: before the school can do an OSS, the parent MUST have a principal hearing TWICE. neither i nor my son have ever had such a meeting in 4+ years at this school.
they are now threatening all kinds of action against both my son and myself: permanent expulsion, charging my son with liable and slander, refusing to allow him to return to school until he serves the 4 days at the alternative school, they are hinting at charging me for refusing to send him. they are even threatening sending the police to my house in regards to the myspace.
as stated: he is no angel. he has had several detentions for not doing homework, ISS for skipping detention, detention for swearing, and ISS for one fight last year (that he did not start). i am not trying to downplay his previous bad behavior, but he is now in a hostile type environment: it does not matter how he tries to improve, he is labeled and any screwup he now makes, no matter how minor, brings the full wrath of this vice prin down on him.
while serving a detention, he also got in trouble for drawing a picture. the picture had the initials SFU= the band Six Feet Under. he wrote the title for one song. granted, the song title was not appropriate, but he then got sent to the school counseler, who called me before (?) she interviewed him. during this interview, she asked permission to give him a questionair style evaluation to determine if he was a danger to himself or others. her analysis was that no, he was no danger to anyone, however she then lectured him and me about his choice of music. she attempted to use her own personal values to judge both my son and i, strictly because she personally does not approve of the music. in addition, he got 2 more detentions for the picture. let me clearify: this picture was NOT depicting a threat to anyone, they were just offended by it.
where do i go for help? i am trying to implement a CYA program. i want to get a MFE and/or an IEP. i am trying to get him an appointment with a private counciler, but that takes 2-3+ weeks. i am also moving to another state at the end of nov. i need this school to co-operate with me for only a few more weeks.
in regards to the OSS and the alternative school: that school is closed on friday. so his regular school is sending an inhome instructer for that day. they will pay for busing and the alternative school, they will pay for the inhome instructer. but when i ask them to help with an inhome tuter for our remaining time here, they refuse. it would be beneficial to all parties to offer him legal inhome schooling for this last month.
please help.
long story short, 13 year old son in middle school. over the weekend, his former friend made many calls (20+ calls in 4 hours) to my son, harrassing him about his girlfriend. i say former friend, because they had a falling out over summer because of this girlfriend.
school on monday: is a confrontation between the two boys. he is sent to vice prin. office. they question him. (school has already been informed by me they are not to question him, unless i am there, for any reason.) they also make him write a statement for the argument and the myspace account.
then they call me, precede to inform me of this argument. and add that my son has created a myspace account as a parody of a teacher. he is sentenced to 4 days of OSS immediately.
it turns out that the former friend involved in the argument, was also involved in the myspace account: the boys made this myspace together before they quit being friends over summer. the boys are equally guilty. however:
parents of other boy called me: their son has been serving inschool suspension this week. vice prin told them on monday, there would be a principal hearing for both boys on friday, at which time further discipline will be decided. the second boy WAS "written up" for the argument, but it is my understanding his ISS is due to the myspace account only.
my son was then "ordered" to attend an alternative school for these four days of OSS. i refused to send my son to this alternative school. the school is billed as an "alternative" to an "unstructured OSS where the child stays home". i object to this school for many reasons. the other boy was not given OSS.
i have asked the school several times what happens monday: does he go to his regular school? no one can tell me.
i finally am able to talk to vice prin today. she finally tells me today AFTER i demand another conference, that there IS in fact a principal hearing scheduled for my son on friday as well, to determine further punishment. when i ask her why she is only just now informing me of this, she says she only just found out. when i tell her quite bluntly that she knew this MONDAY, she took an attitude, and told me she does not have to inform me of anything according to any schedule.
in regards to the argument between the two boys: my son did not touch the other boy. the other boy shoved my son. according to that boys mother, he is not in trouble at school for this argument because the evidence against him is purely "hearsay".?????!!!!!!
in regards to the online account: i deleted it immediately. and i have already seen a few cases where the aclu has been involved, and basically it has been decided that this is free speech and my son can not be suspended for it. however, he already has been?
what are my rights? my son is no angel, i am not defending his actions. i am trying to protect my son from the school that told me "you are stupid" and "you have given up your parental rights the day you enrolled in public school".
i have been present when this vice prin. questioned my son in other matters, and i have seen how she lays verbal traps, deliberatly confuses the issues, and "leads" the conversation to get the responses she wants: a thirteen year old boy is simply no match.
she takes the situations personally. for example: asked him a yes or no answer: he said no, very honestly. the next day she asks him the same question in a diff way, he responds with a no, but with more info. she immediately accused him of lieing because, even though he answered the same way as the first time she asked, he added more. then her entire demeanor changed: "you lied to ME". she took it as a personal insult to her, and her treatment of my son since then has changed: she is now jumping on any excuse to punish.
but back to today: in conversation today, she tells me that she now has an email alledgedly from my son. this email was supposedly sent to my high school aged daughters friend from my son. this email supposedly states that my son is threatening to get a switchblade and stab someone. my son denies this, says no such email exists. i have no idea how this email came to be at my sons school.
to complicate this even more: there is a group of kids at his school that he simply does not get along with. everytime my son has been called to the office, it is because these other boys have said "he did this" or "he did that". there is a definite pattern that the school refuses to aknowledge. when my son voices a defense, the vice prin simply says that my sons defense is "hearsay".
in reading our handbook and in conversation with other parents: before the school can do an OSS, the parent MUST have a principal hearing TWICE. neither i nor my son have ever had such a meeting in 4+ years at this school.
they are now threatening all kinds of action against both my son and myself: permanent expulsion, charging my son with liable and slander, refusing to allow him to return to school until he serves the 4 days at the alternative school, they are hinting at charging me for refusing to send him. they are even threatening sending the police to my house in regards to the myspace.
as stated: he is no angel. he has had several detentions for not doing homework, ISS for skipping detention, detention for swearing, and ISS for one fight last year (that he did not start). i am not trying to downplay his previous bad behavior, but he is now in a hostile type environment: it does not matter how he tries to improve, he is labeled and any screwup he now makes, no matter how minor, brings the full wrath of this vice prin down on him.
while serving a detention, he also got in trouble for drawing a picture. the picture had the initials SFU= the band Six Feet Under. he wrote the title for one song. granted, the song title was not appropriate, but he then got sent to the school counseler, who called me before (?) she interviewed him. during this interview, she asked permission to give him a questionair style evaluation to determine if he was a danger to himself or others. her analysis was that no, he was no danger to anyone, however she then lectured him and me about his choice of music. she attempted to use her own personal values to judge both my son and i, strictly because she personally does not approve of the music. in addition, he got 2 more detentions for the picture. let me clearify: this picture was NOT depicting a threat to anyone, they were just offended by it.
where do i go for help? i am trying to implement a CYA program. i want to get a MFE and/or an IEP. i am trying to get him an appointment with a private counciler, but that takes 2-3+ weeks. i am also moving to another state at the end of nov. i need this school to co-operate with me for only a few more weeks.
in regards to the OSS and the alternative school: that school is closed on friday. so his regular school is sending an inhome instructer for that day. they will pay for busing and the alternative school, they will pay for the inhome instructer. but when i ask them to help with an inhome tuter for our remaining time here, they refuse. it would be beneficial to all parties to offer him legal inhome schooling for this last month.
please help.
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