What is the name of your state? New Jersey. Hi, i'm back again, and i need some advice again. I've just been told my wife that she's spoken to a Lawyer, and that i will know what is going on before the end of the year. She keeps me in the dark about most things. She was laid off from her job recently, and received a bit of money,(i think from a pension) and she filed for unemployment. All i know is she paid the rent in advance a couple of months and paid on the utilities, she brought a living room set and a kitchen table set. I've offered to help my wife, she wants me to pay rent like i'm a boarder or something. I won't do it, she says we're done. Says she does'nt see a light at the end of the tunnel for us. How could she if she never gave us a chance. Anyway, i'm ok with a divorce, i see there is nothing left for us. But right now i'm not prepared to move out, i can't afford an apartment yet. I don't ask my wife for anything, I'm trying to get ready to leave. What i need to know is, whenever i'm served with divorce papers, what can i do? And how long would i have to do it, before she can have me removed from the home. Can someone help me? Thank You.