Good luck I was also a winner as you stated it was a good feeling and I hi fived my attorney on the way out. My kids are also the looser, they haven't seen or heard from there mother in years.
Until you are humiliated, arrested, have 5 police officers break in and trash your home and then have them in front of neighbors yell such things as your a tuff guy wife beater You shouldn't assume anything. My X-wife was hundreds of miles away when I supposed to had beat her.
It costs men thousands to defend ourselves and it a good feeling to know you aren't going to jail and loose you kids.
Good luck I was also a winner as you stated it was a good feeling and I hi fived my attorney on the way out. My kids are also the looser, they haven't seen or heard from there mother in years.
Until you are humiliated, arrested, have 5 police officers break in and trash your home and then have them in front of neighbors yell such things as your a tuff guy wife beater You shouldn't assume anything. My X-wife was hundreds of miles away when I supposed to had beat her.
It costs men thousands to defend ourselves and it a good feeling to know you aren't going to jail and loose you kids.