It is a mess, I agree. If only you knew the entire history of it all though. She has only filed for enforcement on me when I moved on with my life with another person. But since Feb 2004, I've had my daughter an averag of 23 days per month. I've got records proving that I provided for daycare, clothes, food, shelter, and even money given to her mom while in my care. I've always had her on my insurance, and even gave her mom my car to drive for over a year until she could afford her own while I paid the note on it. When she finds out I have a baby on the way from my then girlfriend, she was upset and ran off with her. Then when she finds out were engaged, she does it again.There's all kinds of history here, OG. He's gotten RO's, she's gotten RO's, he's accusing the grandmother's boyfriend of dealing drugs, he's trying to get the mother's boyfriend investigated for sexually abusing the daughter, it's a mess.
In January he hadn't paid child support in four years due to an informal agreement they had, and he was asking about obtaining custody. You guys told him if he went for custody he could count on the mother filing contempt for non-payment. Guess what happened eight months later? Yeah.
It's all pretty convoluted.
I'm the one that woke up at night when she was a baby and fed her and put her back to sleep. I'm the one that taught her to crawl, walk, feed herself. I potty trained her, took her to the doctor. Paid for all medical expeneses insurance didn't cover, and sometimes FORCED her mother to spend time with her because she'd go a month without bothering.
The ONLY reason were in this mess is because she restricted access to my daughter because she was upset. Otherwise, this never would have happened. Then she moves her child molesting boyfriend in the home with my daughter, her drug dealing boyfriend can't even see his kids, has convictions on his record for all kinds of stuff. I don't just doesn't make sense to me.