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Senior Member
oh hell no. what is her problem. get the clarification. you are going to need it. she's being a pain in the butt just to be a pain.

if my birthday falls on NCP visitation day, i let him know he can pick mon, tues, or thurs day as an alternate. (i do this in writing) he doesn't lose his time. if my son's b-day falls on his visitation day, NCP gets an additional visitation day that week. and good god no, birthdays to be included in the order only falls under CP birthday, NCP birthday, and any minor children named in the custody case. her new boyfriend's brother's wife's cousin great-aunt's birthday is NOT included on there. if i understood correctly, special days falls under religous holidays that are not recognized as part of national holidays (or maybe home country holidays too)

she's the one misreading the court order!!!


Senior Member
OK, I decided to get the answer from "the man". I am now waiting for a call back from the Master's office with a semi-official interpretation from the courts eyes.

Hey, I'm only a little slow:rolleyes:...


Ok, first off, your X is FingWacked!

Secondly, I just need to say, WHAT THE HELL?

Why is everybody always so nit-pickidy about "Holidays"? I mean, I understand that we all want to spend as much time as is possible with our children, but, come on!

When did we all sign up for this theory that we have to spend our freakin' Birthday with our child/ren or that if we don't spend Flag Day with them we will all spontaneously combust?!?

I understand that we all have important "Holidays" and society dictates that Christmas is to be on Dec. 25th (although I highly doubt that it is/was Jesus' actual day of birth) and Thanksgiving is always the 3rd Thursday in Nov. but I do not see the point in arguing it down to the last hour of who gets what child/ren when for nonsensical "Holidays" and/or "Special" days...I don't know about the rest of you but I would say that EVERY day I see my child is "special".

Hey maybe that's the answer...ProSeDad, tell your Wack-An-X that you are deeming every day a "special day" and are keeping Lil'Miss;):p

Sorry about the rant...maybe I need more coffee, or chocolate...or both:eek:


Senior Member
It's a territory thing and OP thinking their way is the best way and her family/husband's family take priority over NCP.


Senior Member
A different perspective...

The ex-governor of NJ (McGreevey) and his STBX actually had an emergency hearing as Dad planned a huge birthday party for his daughter's birthday (Saturday) and Mom was saying it was her weekend. The judge granted Dad time on Saturday and Mom time on Sunday.

Why couldn't they have done that without dragging the child into court?! The judge then chastized them. He pointed out that the legal aid teams were currently trying to raise contributions to provide a holiday gift to the children residing in shelters and those residing in county facilities having been removed and not yet placed. He indicated that the amount of money wasted for the emergency motion could have been put to better use and that sharing a birthday with your child wasn't about pony rides...

Upon leaving court, both were interviewe and both claimed to only be acting in the best interests of their child.....


Senior Member
I would also include LMPS little sister into the bday equation. I know this is more "moral" than legal advice, but come on, it's her little sister.


Senior Member
i wouldn't include the little sister.

my two older boys have a younger brother and a sister on the way. i would not expect or even ask that the NCP give up one of his days so we could celebrate their birthday together. it will not kill anyone (myself included to do a family day or family outing the day or weekend after.

big deal. the kids get to celebrate twice.


Senior Member
i wouldn't include the little sister.

my two older boys have a younger brother and a sister on the way. i would not expect or even ask that the NCP give up one of his days so we could celebrate their birthday together. it will not kill anyone (myself included to do a family day or family outing the day or weekend after.

big deal. the kids get to celebrate twice.
Well, that's where we're different. My children are welcome to spend bday's with their father, stepmother and siblings as my ex would do the same for me, Dh, and our son.


Senior Member
the reason why i would never ask my ex to not follow a court order to a "T" is because i learned my lesson with him already. and the vindictive POS that he is, would only use it against me. so in my case...i do my best not to interferre with his visitation even if it means having a "special" day the next day.

but hey....if both parties are willing to bend the rules both ways....more power to you!:D


Senior Member
ProSe's wacky x would count the birthday of Lil' sis's ex stepfather's second cousin twice removed as "special" if she could get away with it!


Senior Member
No word back Friday from the masters office.

I currently have no intention of allowing L'i Sis's b-day. If I thought The Ex was going to be reasonable overall, I might soften that stance. However, I currently have no doubt that if I were to have another child, that there would be no such concession from her. That wouldn't really be family, don't ya know...

Honestly, if LMPS actually talked about L'il Sis like she really cared about her, I would soften for that too.

I seem to be something of a pushover:eek:...
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