What is the name of your state? California
Well we had mediation today. What a mess!! ha ha
Basically my ex wanted to modify holiday visitation mostly Xmas. This year he wanted almost the entire 2 weeks etc.
It was a heated 3hr discussion this morning. He got no changes for this year. We are following the court order which is what I wanted in the first place.
We signed an agreement to modify: From now on starting next year, I get the first 7 days of their Xmas vacation (which next year includes Xmas) and he gets the rest of their vacation. I know for a fact he will not be able to get those days off work but thats not my problem. We then switch every year (alternate weeks for xmas vacation).
In the end, my ex ended up giving up close to 4-5 days with the amended schedule that he wanted. He was so set on having 7 days in a row that he failed to realize that the court order we had I was giving him an extra 3-4 days at Xmas. Now he doesn't get thos extra days anymore.
He also has to give the kids to me on the days he works if he doesn't get them off. So basically because I know he won't be able to get time off (he is a cop) every year I will end up with the kids way more than I have them now.
I was Lillith to the hilt today hehehehe I was very proud of myself.
My ex actually told the mediator that he wanted 7 days in a row for Xmas so him and his wife could take the kids to spend the holiday with her family. Let me say the mediator took great EXCEPTION to this: Her exact words "I don't care that your wife's family and your wife don't like your holiday visitation and I certianly will NOT allow you to take time away from your ex wife with the kids to give it to you for that reason". She hammered him about how his wife is a legal stranger and that she means nothing legally when it comes to the kids and to parenting with me.
It was certainly a wake-up call for him. Needless to say, its over. He paid muchodollars to get exactly what he wanted but in the end lost time with his kids. Oh well. I tried to tell him but he didn't want to hear me.
So thats the update. What is the name of your state?
Well we had mediation today. What a mess!! ha ha
Basically my ex wanted to modify holiday visitation mostly Xmas. This year he wanted almost the entire 2 weeks etc.
It was a heated 3hr discussion this morning. He got no changes for this year. We are following the court order which is what I wanted in the first place.
We signed an agreement to modify: From now on starting next year, I get the first 7 days of their Xmas vacation (which next year includes Xmas) and he gets the rest of their vacation. I know for a fact he will not be able to get those days off work but thats not my problem. We then switch every year (alternate weeks for xmas vacation).
In the end, my ex ended up giving up close to 4-5 days with the amended schedule that he wanted. He was so set on having 7 days in a row that he failed to realize that the court order we had I was giving him an extra 3-4 days at Xmas. Now he doesn't get thos extra days anymore.
He also has to give the kids to me on the days he works if he doesn't get them off. So basically because I know he won't be able to get time off (he is a cop) every year I will end up with the kids way more than I have them now.
I was Lillith to the hilt today hehehehe I was very proud of myself.
My ex actually told the mediator that he wanted 7 days in a row for Xmas so him and his wife could take the kids to spend the holiday with her family. Let me say the mediator took great EXCEPTION to this: Her exact words "I don't care that your wife's family and your wife don't like your holiday visitation and I certianly will NOT allow you to take time away from your ex wife with the kids to give it to you for that reason". She hammered him about how his wife is a legal stranger and that she means nothing legally when it comes to the kids and to parenting with me.
It was certainly a wake-up call for him. Needless to say, its over. He paid muchodollars to get exactly what he wanted but in the end lost time with his kids. Oh well. I tried to tell him but he didn't want to hear me.
So thats the update. What is the name of your state?