What is the name of your state? California
I've filed contempt charges against my ex on numerous violations of a domestic violence restraining order and failure to provide support payments, daycare payments, employer information and residential information.
Yesterday during our first hearing he began to request changes to the existing order requesting more days spent with our daughter and requesting that I travel to meet him half way for visitation exchanges. The schedule that he is proposing is exactly the schedule that he shot down last year when I proposed it during mediation and he knows that since then I work the weekends when he has her and we have been enrolled in mommy n me classes on Friday nights. Is it right for him to be able to continue making all of these requests during the hearings that I have filed for? Yesterday it seemed as if the judge were more willing to hear from him than me -
He has moved three times in the past two years - I've remained steady. He has been through countless jobs - I've briefly been unemployed for three weeks and quickly recovered with a new job.
Can I request that his residential status in a town one hour away remain steady for a substantial amount of time before I am made to totally switch around our current schedule? There is nothing stopping him, outside of inconvenience because of his relocation, to keeping things the way that they are.
I've filed contempt charges against my ex on numerous violations of a domestic violence restraining order and failure to provide support payments, daycare payments, employer information and residential information.
Yesterday during our first hearing he began to request changes to the existing order requesting more days spent with our daughter and requesting that I travel to meet him half way for visitation exchanges. The schedule that he is proposing is exactly the schedule that he shot down last year when I proposed it during mediation and he knows that since then I work the weekends when he has her and we have been enrolled in mommy n me classes on Friday nights. Is it right for him to be able to continue making all of these requests during the hearings that I have filed for? Yesterday it seemed as if the judge were more willing to hear from him than me -
He has moved three times in the past two years - I've remained steady. He has been through countless jobs - I've briefly been unemployed for three weeks and quickly recovered with a new job.
Can I request that his residential status in a town one hour away remain steady for a substantial amount of time before I am made to totally switch around our current schedule? There is nothing stopping him, outside of inconvenience because of his relocation, to keeping things the way that they are.