Thank you
You guys are great! I have the answer all prepared already and I know where to send it. I denied debt as unknown to defendant. My only thing is I can attach the notice to produce or request to documents with my original filing. My other hope is that the attorney's office who filed is lazy
and that will buy me a couple more months.
I've also been looking into grants for single mothers. I do get child support but you know with rent and a car payment and the bare necessities it's really hard to keep up. I'm not complaining. I made the mess, I'm cleaning it up. January of this year they repossessed my car. Which was due to my not working and falling behind. That's a long story but fortunately I got my instant refund. What stunk was I had it planned to pay all the arrears that saturday when I got the refund. They took it 4 days prior. Which ... you know, I accepted that. I had sent a payment they didn't cash and tried to make arrangements but every time I'd call they would badger me. Now, why tell me they can make arrangements for some kind of lower payments etc., and then badger me when I call for the full amount? How does that work?
Hey? Does anyone know how to work with an auto loan, other than refinancing to reduce the payments? That would be cool. A grant would be better. I could clean up my old debt and pay off my car and not have to worry about upcoming medical expenses for my daughter. She's 10.5 yrs old and she has a bulging disc in her back. Which means physical therapy, and orthopedists etc., so it's going to start rolling in. All those medical bills.
Back to the topic
... They do wage garnishments and judgments in New Jersey and I have another site as well which advises what they can and cannot take from your personal belongings. They can do that as well. ugh... But there are things that are exempt from being taken. A big list. If anyone here would like this link I can dig it out and give it to all of you. It sure appeased my mind as to what they can take.
Yes they can levy a bank account too. I know. I'm going to ask my bosses to have my checks "not" direct deposited anymore. I answer those interrogatories they send you with my bank information and I'm just setting myself up for a levy. So my thought process is I'll go and cash the check and then do money orders. Just until I clear this up. You know? That way I won't have a surprise one day and can't get any of my money. Can you just imagine "maybe" getting caught up and then that happening? oh my god. I'm thoroughly freaked. I don't have the money to make payments ... I'm hoping that I can get a grant. One site I found said that the people got one in like 2 weeks. Wow that would be amazing wouldn't it? I'd be so relieved. I would pay everything off. I could start fresh. A little bit anyway.
This site has private messaging too? Oh I didn't realize that. How cool!
The complaint says, in answer to your question (sorry I know I'm rambling) that it's through this other company. It lists this other company then a/p/o citifinancial. What is a/p/o? Does anyone know? I'm sorry I"m burying my questions in here. I've been doing so much research and running around to get my daughter seen for her back, I've been a bit ... overwhelmed. I can do this. I can take care of all of these things, I know I can... I'm just in need of a little bit of help right now.
The debt has already been charged off. I got my credit reports this morning. (messy things they are LOL ... so not funny. But you know, for now this is how things are.) I know the SOL hasn't run I checked that too. See ... I know I messed up. And these things hang over you head and remind you that you messed up. The thing is as you start to rebuild and I'm not a pessimist by far, something else comes up or happens and it sends you smack in the other direction.
You are very nice (all of you) I really appreciate the help.
You know, when I was a kid ... if I may share a story ... I've never been good with money. They sent credit cards, I thought OH GOODIE! LOL ... and then racked up the debt. Paid it all off.
And you know, kept away from that, used cash or a debit card. Got a couple cards w/low amounts on them. All total in cards is about 2k in credit card debt. I mean that's small peanuts compared the mess I made in my early to mid 20's. I kept asking myself, what am I doing? How can I fix this... but you know, it just seems sometimes that everytime I get to a point where I can breath ... something else happens. I realize that this particular situation is something that I created. I realize that sometimes we can't do what we intend to and of course we're accountable/responsible for these things. I acknowledge mistakes I"ve made in the past ... I accept all these things.
Yet... I have such an issue with trying as hard as I have in the past few years ... and you know, kids have needs, or I needed a new car, got a used one 2002 which is very nice
and then now something else is happening, and I'd lost a really good paying job that I had looked for previously and it's so weird, like I was so sick while I was there and they let me go. I went in, except for the severe ear infection... Some days, it just feel like ... I can't ever catch up. And I'm not lazy either.
I've been working at it. Imagine how much research and digging I did just to find this site? I think this is a great site. And ... hey? Who would I ask to put this on mine?
I help other people myself. All the time, day in and day out. So... is there an administrator here that I could ask permission to post this site within my own network? I think this is something that people really need. I'm personally grateful for the responses. I'd forgotten I posted here today.
So, are life stories included here ? agh... Hey, I'll check back tomorrow. Thanx for reading and responding. I TOTALLY AND THOROUGHLY APPRECIATE IT LOTS!
p.s. My dad used to call me Dinky when I was kid. Thought that would be a cute thing to share.