Hmmm. Apparently you haven't met someone who has received a payment from the insurance company because the house was sold to 2 different people onthe exact same day, or someone who purchased a house without title insurance and got burned because their were leins that they weren't aware of.Title insurance? is a rip off!
Hey I am thinking of visiting the company in person and will get the details of the policy.I think this is the only right way for getting my doubts clear or I think it was very bad idea to go for a broker to purchase a house.every title insurance policy I have ever dealt with (I used to be a real estate agent) was a one time payment/purchase.
Not sure what this guy is referring to. Other possibilities I can think of;
PMI- generally not figured as a specific pay-off date and typically in the monthly payment
mortgage life insurance- maybe?
Other than that, not sure what this guy is selling you.