What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? CA
Please tell me if this is valid in a business listing agreement:
"The undersigned Owner herby gives Broker the Sole and Exclusive Right to sell...or any ownership interest in it, for a period of 180 days for the date this Agreement is executed, terminating 12:01am on [filled in] June 18, 2009 on the above terms..."
Date [signed] June 17, 2008
Would this be a valid contract? If so which date is correct for the listing to expire? The 180 days from date executed (June 17, 2008) or the filled in date of June 18, 2009?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
Please tell me if this is valid in a business listing agreement:
"The undersigned Owner herby gives Broker the Sole and Exclusive Right to sell...or any ownership interest in it, for a period of 180 days for the date this Agreement is executed, terminating 12:01am on [filled in] June 18, 2009 on the above terms..."
Date [signed] June 17, 2008
Would this be a valid contract? If so which date is correct for the listing to expire? The 180 days from date executed (June 17, 2008) or the filled in date of June 18, 2009?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?