I live in Washington State. My son is 14 and currently in the 8th grade. He has gotten himself in a bit of trouble at school and was hoping to get some advise.
I will try and keep this as breif as possible. Also please I am looking for advise here and no I do not approve of what he did. We had a rather nice coming to Jesus talk as soon as I found out about all this.
My son has a teacher he does not get along with. This teacher while in class sat on a desk and and the desk collapsed under her. My son, along with several others of course thought this was pretty funny even took pictures with their camera phones.
Later my son created a blog and included these photos also made fun of the teacher. He also opened the blog up so as to allow others to post comments and photos they had taken. The site was up for about a week when the school caught wind of it and started trying to figure out who had made it.
On February 26th my son was pulled in by the principal of his school and questioned about the web site. He did admit at that time to creating the web site and at this time had already take it down. At that time he was told by the principal that he was going to think about over the weekend as to what he was going to do, either expel him, suspend him or some other type of punishment. The school district was handling this as a case of cyber bullying from what he was told.
Returning to school on Monday the 2nd my son was told that the matter was closed, keep his head down and his nose clean and just finish up the school year. This was his first time of ever getting in trouble at school and he is a 4.0 student.
So yesterday the 12th of March I get a phone call from my ex-wife that today in school the Tacoma police department showed up and pulled my son from class to question him. The questioning took 2 hours. At no time was he asked if he would like a parent present and not once have either myself or my ex-wife been phoned and notified by the school and or police dept as to what is going on.
I guess what I am looking for is this does not sound right. Like I said at the start I do not approve of what he did. But I also do not think this sounds right. At the least I feel we should have been notified by the police dept and the school.
Thanks in advance.
I will try and keep this as breif as possible. Also please I am looking for advise here and no I do not approve of what he did. We had a rather nice coming to Jesus talk as soon as I found out about all this.
My son has a teacher he does not get along with. This teacher while in class sat on a desk and and the desk collapsed under her. My son, along with several others of course thought this was pretty funny even took pictures with their camera phones.
Later my son created a blog and included these photos also made fun of the teacher. He also opened the blog up so as to allow others to post comments and photos they had taken. The site was up for about a week when the school caught wind of it and started trying to figure out who had made it.
On February 26th my son was pulled in by the principal of his school and questioned about the web site. He did admit at that time to creating the web site and at this time had already take it down. At that time he was told by the principal that he was going to think about over the weekend as to what he was going to do, either expel him, suspend him or some other type of punishment. The school district was handling this as a case of cyber bullying from what he was told.
Returning to school on Monday the 2nd my son was told that the matter was closed, keep his head down and his nose clean and just finish up the school year. This was his first time of ever getting in trouble at school and he is a 4.0 student.
So yesterday the 12th of March I get a phone call from my ex-wife that today in school the Tacoma police department showed up and pulled my son from class to question him. The questioning took 2 hours. At no time was he asked if he would like a parent present and not once have either myself or my ex-wife been phoned and notified by the school and or police dept as to what is going on.
I guess what I am looking for is this does not sound right. Like I said at the start I do not approve of what he did. But I also do not think this sounds right. At the least I feel we should have been notified by the police dept and the school.
Thanks in advance.