Yes. Yes.
I am a dead beat P.O.S. parent that doesn't deserve any rights whatsoever. I get it.
Thanks so much for the helpful advice on this free legal site. It's really helped out a ton.
I have no chance in hell.
Not only have I made bad choices but because of those bad choices I'm a horrifyingly bad mother.
I should follow parenting advice from people who know nothing about my personal relationship with either my daughter or ex-husband even though I'm asking for LEGAL advice.
and I should delete this post right away to avoid the continued hate that will cause me to slip into another depressive agoraphobic state which would make me the WORST sort of parent ever. Damn it all, I should just stop with these mental issues of mine.
shame shame shame on me.
But I will leave this post for the so called advice givers and as a warning to anyone hoping to get advice from here.
Advice givers. People come here for advice not criticizm.
People seeking advice - be warned. More than likely, you will get ripped apart for your personal life and not get any legal advice whatsoever.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to let my daughter run naked and barefoot down a jagged gravel road while I get rip roaring drunk and ignore her.
What a crock. I wonder where I can go to get free legal advice without the finger pointing? Oh well. What does it matter anyway? No chance in hell, remember?
Also, a warning to anyone with any sort of depressive disorder. These ruthless people will cause you to question whether you're worthy of living or not. Don't let them let you slide back down into that hole. It's really hard to climb out of. If you're feeling like you can't deal, there's a website called
Really nice people there that don't judge you. No legal advice though, I'm afraid. But this place has killed any sort of hope I might have had to begin with so I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
while i'm on a mental tangent from your self pity post, let's get something straight.
don't hide behind a depressive disorder. don't you dare. i have dealt with chronic depression since i was 15. i had days where i can barely move or eat anything because i got so sick. i didn't have custody of my two older boys for 3 years. i was in a horrible state. i talked to my doctor and DID something about it. am i on medication? YES. do i still get depressed? YES, but i can deal with it better. i do everything the doctor suggest. is it hard? YES, on a daily basis. your daughter is NOT your support group for depression. don't have one? GET ONE.
your attitude here, ALREADY suggest you are not ready to parent full time. be a good parent part-time and work your way from there. accept that. recognize it. and start working from there.