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Spousal Support Modification

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Bali Hai

Senior Member
(I saw OP posted below this one but didn't read it yet - bear that in mind lol)

Yes, you're right. I did - admittedly - sort of jump to conclusions and I really shouldn't have done so. You've made excellent points that I didn't take into consideration until you pointed them out - and even if those points don't apply here it was still an angle I should have thought about before jumping in.
I don't think you jumped to conclusions anymore than LD did with her "speculations" and double talk to justify forcing men to pay alimony and women to receive alimony.

She is bent on this tradition although the fact is that women have manipulated the system to where they get preference over men in getting jobs and a variety of other legislated benefits.

Now that these legislated benefits are available to women, she believes that it's a woman's prerogative whether to take advantage of the benefits or just sit back and force a man to pay them. I say force the women to take advantage of their right to get employment over a man and make them work for a living.

In other words she wants her cake and eat it too.

She wants women superior in standing to men and won't be happy until women run everything in this country and men are just slaves to them.



Senior Member
I don't think you jumped to conclusions anymore than LD did with her "speculations" and double talk to justify forcing men to pay alimony and women to receive alimony.

She is bent on this tradition although the fact is that women have manipulated the system to where they get preference over men in getting jobs and a variety of other legislated benefits.

Now that these legislated benefits are available to women, she believes that it's a woman's prerogative whether to take advantage of the benefits or just sit back and force a man to pay them. I say force the women to take advantage of their right to get employment over a man and make them work for a living.

In other words she wants her cake and eat it too.

She wants women superior in standing to men and won't be happy until women run everything in this country and men are just slaves to them.

Bali you are such a twit. Only you can turn a legal discussion into such nonsense. I have no real opinion on alimony except in very long term marriages. However this is not a site for opinion, its a site to discuss the actual law.

Bali Hai

Senior Member
Bali you are such a twit. Only you can turn a legal discussion into such nonsense. I have no real opinion on alimony except in very long term marriages. However this is not a site for opinion, its a site to discuss the actual law.
Well read your OPINION below LD.

I always know when I've struck a nerve because your defense shield goes up and you say this site is for legal issues and not opinion.

LOL...you really must not continue to "feed" the animals...LOL.

I actually am in favor of alimony in a long term marriage in many circumstances. The longer the marriage, the older the couple, the more I am in favor...particularly if the lower earning or no earning spouse is the one being kicked to the curb...or who just cannot take it any longer.

I have seen too many 50/60ish spouses kicked to the curb when there is little time to go to school or establish a viable career... and with enough time to actually pay back student loans.

Or worse, disabled spouses with no viable income opportunities.

I know one woman who divorced her spouse at 70. I thought that she was crazy until she explained it to me. She said that she had been miserable for 50 years of marriage, figured she had 10 years more to live at best, and wanted those last 10 years to be peaceful and contented ones. She also wanted a relationship with her children that her husband had "disowened" and a relationship with the resulting grandchildren. After hearing that, I figured that she earned her alimony.

Her husband also really was an Azz...he was a big fish in a small pond, and never could understand that the children he disowened actually went on to live happier lives outside of his control.


Senior Member
Oh for kitten's sake...

I have a cranky toddler, a cantankerous puppy who thinks she's actually the One In Charge in the household, two dead mice and a quasi-adult stepchild who needs a kick in the pants with a clue by four.

Don't make me come back there and make you two sit together and discuss the world's ills over tea and cucumber sandwiches.

(I also deny any knowledge of why said stepchild occasionally refers to me as Grumpelstiltskin)

Can't we all just get along? :p:D


Senior Member
Oh for kitten's sake...

I have a cranky toddler, a cantankerous puppy who thinks she's actually the One In Charge in the household, two dead mice and a quasi-adult stepchild who needs a kick in the pants with a clue by four.

Don't make me come back there and make you two sit together and discuss the world's ills over tea and cucumber sandwiches.

(I also deny any knowledge of why said stepchild occasionally refers to me as Grumpelstiltskin)

Can't we all just get along? :p:D
that's so not fair!! i called someone a twit before and admin wouldn't even let me post it....:(

err...dog....what's with the dead mice? :eek::eek:

and uh...what's in the tea???:D:D:p


Senior Member
that's so not fair!! i called someone a twit before and admin wouldn't even let me post it....:(

err...dog....what's with the dead mice? :eek::eek:

and uh...what's in the tea???:D:D:p
Puppy is having an identity crisis, thinking she's a cat. She loves her mommy SOOOOO much that she's left me two little...uh..."gifts". Bless.

(the tea? As long as nobody has a portable gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy machine I'll say "oh, just drink it - you'll like it!". Otherwise I plead the 5th!)


Senior Member
that's so not fair!! i called someone a twit before and admin wouldn't even let me post it....:(

err...dog....what's with the dead mice? :eek::eek:

and uh...what's in the tea???:D:D:p
Hey...I called someone a "twit" just a couple of days ago and it posted just fine...Of course it was Bali, so maybe that's why it went through.:p


Queen Bee
No, no typo there. Marriage duration was 19 yrs, total alimony duration is 10 yrs, under 7 to go.

Originally, spousal support was to be 33% of AGI (adjusted gross income), with a minimum of $5000 and max of $12,500. She reacted to our petition for sole custody by demanding a FORENSIC AUDIT of our finances, claiming we were hiding money...not true.

SO, because custody batlle legal fees were mounting (over $50,000), we agreed to flat fee of $7250.

Currntly, this sum amounts to 70% of his total income. Until recently, when we got custody, we were also paying $1860 in child support...

We are currently considering cashing out part of a 401k just to pay her alimony.

Did I mention she is deliberately unemployed?

There is no provision in the SS Order for Cohabitation or Modification.
I would love to see where YOU agreed to anything. And where YOU were ordered to pay child support or spousal support or where YOU were awarded custody.


Queen Bee
There were no attorneys involved with the Divorce...they sat down and hashed it out themselves.

According to my research, as the SS agreement has no statement, positive or negative concerning cohabitation, we CAN, according to Nevada law, petition for modification on 2 grounds:

1. More than 20% Unintentional loss in income
2. Cohabitation with someone who can, but is not contributing to the household expenses.

Anyone have experience with this? We have never missed or shrted any SS or CS payment-EVER.
YOU can NOT do anything.


Queen Bee
1. Our business was started after his divorce.
2. He was an employee prior to divorce. Had no business to split. She got 1/2 of his retirement and cash, ALL proceeds from the sale of marital home (which she put down on a new home-which he co-signed the mortgage for), and most furniture, and a car (which was paid off)
3. My husband and I make the SAME salary. No, we are not shifting income, or being creative:in fact, we had the SAME accountant until he fired her for bugging him about our financial information.

As for the Ex-wife, she has had a string of men who have sucked her dry-she apparently has a Jaguar she is paying for (which she bought for some guy and then had to chase him down to get it back), as well as $40,000 in credit card bills,etc. She may try to file bankruptcy, as I believe she has tax issues/liens and is currently CASHING her alimony checks to avoid levys on her bank accounts.
In addition, she is trying to sell her house by short sale (at $175k loss), which is being denied by the bank because my husband is not willing to take that hit on our credit. So, we had to get a court order to allow us to make her mortgage payment (she is starting to pay late, or only partially) and deduct it from her Spousal support.

Clearly our money is going to good use...as I stated before, she has Real Estate License, Cosmetology License, and Associates in Computer Drafting, yet she refuses to be employed.

My husband was also awarded Child Support after we received custody (new live-in boyfriend is Child Sex Offender), which she did not pay, and we were allowed to deduct from Alimony
And how long after the divorce did you and he start dating? Move in together? Get married? And again I ask, please cite the exact language of the paperwork that gives YOU custody.

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