Courtesy of "He Who Shall Not Be Named".
Tell your son that you need some 'bonding' time so you have decided to take him on a Father/Son trip to Rio. Tell him you will be leaving early in the morning so that the two of you can 'hit the beach and babes' before the sun goes down. Call the airlines and order one roundtrip ticket for you and a one-way ticket in your son's name.
The next morning stop at the ATM and withdraw $200. Then proceed to the airport.
Upon arrival at Rio, take your son to the hotel and tell him that you will need a rest before hitting the babes that night but he is free to explore. Also explain to him that it would not be safe to carry his billfold or passport as they are eaily stolen. You will have them put in the hotel's safe. THen hand him the $200 and pat him on the back with a hearty "Have a good time".
Once he has left the hotel, take out a sheet of hotel stationary and write the following:
Dear son,
You have been a real prick lately, and since you don't seem to care who you hurt with your anger, drugs and alcohol, it seems you are adult enough to care for yourself.
Therefore, I am leaving you with $200 to give you a start in life. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Take both passports and any credit cards from his wallet, pack them away, collect your things and leave the hotel, returning to the airport with your ROUNDTRIP ticket and go home.