I will be consulting with an attorney before the years end as I will be part of another trust that is in the process of being setup (sounds a lot better than it is) I am being involved with the main purpose of keeping assets with blood relatives. Can you tell there have been some bad divorces in my family previously?OP,
Bali is the designated cynic. Unfortunately, his concerns are valid. Get thee to an attorney. Perhaps the attorney that drafted the trust either handles or is associated with a attorney specialist in family law.
Please post back if he has any wisdom you would like to share about the trust setup to keep this from being an issue.
Perhaps the tense I used was wrong. I have already inherited portions of multiple properties and am not yet married. We were planning on keeping the properties in the trust until they are sold so as not to complicate things further and it shouldn't create an unnecessary tax burden so long as they aren't income producing.
I first posted to this forum with the mindset that if it wasn't acquired during a marriage then the spouse would have no claim to it. Looks like that isn't the case and I have much more research to do.