You do NOT have the right to "privacy" until you turn 18. Period. Not even.
Again, almost impossible for me to believe.
If there is NO law forbidding said practice, then you are not violating a law.
I've already given my opinion on this.
Parents' have the DUTY to make sure their children are NOT going down the wrong path. I can and will look at my children's emails and history at whim.
The ends do not justify the means. You're still invading another human being's privacy and volition.
The operative phrase here being "at whim". If you
suspect involvement in illicit activity, then by all means. But get consent first. It's not that hard. Failing that, the legal system provides alternatives to gaining permission, such as the subpoena.
It is the PARENTS, along with internet boy, who will face sanctions for internet boy's/ girl's use if they are going where they should not.
For one, read the whole thread, because I explicitly stated that the subject is male. For another, stop calling him "internet boy", because it's derogatory. Finally, there was nothing illicit in his activity, so your
argument is moot.
Is there a law that explicitly grants a parent the right to breathe? If so, please cite it.
(hint: you won't find one)
Different problem. Nice straw-man, though.
Privacy is a right that is granted to every human being in the United States. In order to violate it, you need a legal reason. Every person in a country participating in the UN, in fact. See: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article XII.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.