I live in NY state. I had an ongoing disagreement with my landlord about a mouse infestation and illegal entry (she was always going into my place when I was gone). After awhile of these abuses, I began holding rent until these issues stopped or were significantly improved. She gave me a 3 day notice of eviction, then we had a hearing. It is a really small area, out in the country. The hearing was presided over by a court clerk who had to constantly look up the law in a book as we were talking (no, really, he really did). He did not let me state my entire argument and I found out afterward he is good friends with the landlord and her attorney. I am very uncomfortable with this arrangement. I got a short stay, but I am being evicted in a week. he also arrived at an arbitrary amount of money that I must pay her - $1500. And this is where my questions arise: ~Do I really have to pay? Will she be able to do anything if I do not? If there is another hearing about the money, can I just not show up? What could be the potential dangers of that? I've heard of garnishing wages, is that a possibilibty or is that rare? ~~ This court cleark also didn't take my security deposit into account. Can I declare a mistrial? Can I do anything about the shortcomings of the hearing?