About a month ago I was at my local mall and noticed a store was selling P90x dvd sets for $50, almost half price. For all that do not know, this is a popular excercise video that is sold on infomercials. I decided to buy a bunch and sell them on ebay for a profit, I sold about 7 of them until ebay shut my listings down, claiming I was selling counterfiet products. I had no idea these were counterfts. I bought them from a store in one of the largets malls in the east coast. Regardless, I stoped selling them. A month goes buy and I get a letter from a Law firm representing the P90x company demanding that I stop manufacturing and selling the dvds, and also pay $893.00! I have receipts showing that I paid for these at the store, along with sales tax.
About a month ago I was at my local mall and noticed a store was selling P90x dvd sets for $50, almost half price. For all that do not know, this is a popular excercise video that is sold on infomercials. I decided to buy a bunch and sell them on ebay for a profit, I sold about 7 of them until ebay shut my listings down, claiming I was selling counterfiet products. I had no idea these were counterfts. I bought them from a store in one of the largets malls in the east coast. Regardless, I stoped selling them. A month goes buy and I get a letter from a Law firm representing the P90x company demanding that I stop manufacturing and selling the dvds, and also pay $893.00! I have receipts showing that I paid for these at the store, along with sales tax.