Last month my boyfriend's divorce was final. In the divorce decree, his ex-wife was given a vehicle. The problem is that the vehicle is registered to his mother, the loan and insurance are all solely in his mothers name. This vehicle was purchased for the use of them to transport their three children. Nothing was ever signed by his mother giving the vehicle to either party or allowing it to be handed out in the divorce decree. My boyfriend's ex-wife has since passed away very suddenly and now his mother is not legally allowed to retrieve the vehicle as the county his ex-wife lived in is saying what was done in the divorce decree is legal. The divorce decree and her passing were within a few weeks so there was really no time to contest anything. This does not seem like it would be legal. It is the equivalent of when i was getting divorced I asked my lawyer to put in the decree that I would receive my ex-husbands fathers vehicle. I need advice on what to do next and help understanding if there is any way this could possibly be legal. This all happened in the state of Iowa. Thanks