Yep, I see many years of problems for the OP unless she changes her attitude.
Attitude? I really don't have one. The father will be a part of the child's life. I have no issue with the father, we are on good terms, we've discussed child support, as well as a number of other things. We are going to be making as many decisions together as we can.
The only thing I'm really wanting, besides these blessed headaches to subside, would be for the child to have my last name. I don't think that's completely outrageous, and I don't see why wanting something non-traditional will cause "many years of problems" unless I change my "attitude".
Yes, I understand parenthood. Raised by a single mom, with a dad who didn't always show and rarely paid support, I helped raise my sister, and when my sister had her daughter a year ago, I've done more than my share to help raise her, as well.
I work for an attorney, who I probably could have gone to about this, but I choose to keep work and personal life separate, so I came here instead. I don't think I'm asking for the world. I'm not asking for him to never see the child or to not be a part of it's life, I'm asking for a last name, and if that gives off the impression that things are going to be difficult because of my "attitude", well, I guess things will be a little different, but not difficult.
The dad goes to every doctor appointment with me. He is informed of everything from my eating habits to my sleep patterns to my bowel movements. He wants to be included, and I do my very best to include him. I'm not kicking him out of my life or the baby's - in gestation or otherwise - I just don't think wanting the child, who will be living with me most of the time, to have my last name is such a terrible thing.
If I gave off the wrong impression to people, that I would somehow go out of my way to exclude the father (which is just wrong on a multitude of levels - kids needs parents, they aren't bargaining chips), or be a horrible mother, then I apologize. The kid will have 2 parents that love it unconditionally, and will be there, I assure you of that.