Why he's contesting the divorce...
well, it might help of you could tell us WHY the husband is contesting the divorce.
What specifically is he contesting?
Oops, my bad...
He's contesting the divorce because he feels that the medication I am taking as part of my mental health treatment is not working. He feels that if A) I'm on a different medication, and B) we attend couple's counseling, that "our marriage can be saved." What he neglects to mention in his statement is that A) I have not been able to meet with my doctor to discuss his (the husband's) opinion (which I disagree with) since he shared it with me, and B) we have already completed 12 weeks of couple's counseling, which I arranged with no help from him. Long story short, it didn't do any good.
What does he want that you are not willing to offer?
In terms of property division, we seriously do not have any of the traditional assets that get argued over. We never combined our finances ~ bank accounts and so forth ~ and there is no car, house, boat, land, etc...
when it come to personal property division, it's all household goods ~ furniture, the TV (which is nothing to get excited over), etc...except for our two cats. We were arguing over it initially, but have been more civil about it of late.
Beyond that, he wants to stay married to me, and I do not want to stay married to him. He's abusive and controlling, and I do not want to stay with an abusive and controlling person. The marriage has reached a point where there is no possibility of it being healthy and happy.
What I'm not willing to offer is more of my time, effort, and life to trying to repair the breakdown of my marriage...after a year and a half of trying, I have declared myself 'done.'
Some Judges will refer the parties to counseling to ensure that the marriage is damaged past the point of repair.
I can see why they would, but I am thinking that in this situation ~ where we have already been through couple's counseling, and it didn't work, I would hope that we don't get sent to go through more.
If this is 'snarky', I apologize ~ it's not a happy subject...