This past January my son and I were T-Boned at an intersection in Arlington, TX. We were in a Honda Accord and proceeding through an intersection with a green light when we were hit squarely on the passenger side by a Chevy Suburban doing an estimated 50 mph according to an overheard conversation by police officers; however, the offending driver admitted fault but claimed that he was within the 45 mph speed limit - small matter as he has only the state minimum liability insurance coverage. Our vehicle was a total loss. I had to be cut out of our car.
Both my son and I have what appears to be at this point permanent muscle and nerve damage. After 10 months of trying to recover it is becoming apparent that additional recovery is unlikely for my son, IMO . Additional recovery is not in the cards at all for me according to my orthopedic surgeon this past Friday. I am now faced with pain management only.
I did a Google for accidents within the city of Arlington and found a site dated 2005 (I believe) in which the police department was taking the city to task for doing nothing to improve the 10 most dangerous intersections in Arlington. Yes, you guessed correctly, the intersection at which we were injured was listed as the most dangerous intersection of all. The offending driver claimed that he got confused by the traffic signals. I suspect that previous drivers have had the same complaint.
I need to find an attorney who will sue the city of Arlington on our behalf. I don't know what the technical breaches of the law are, but I feel that there must be some given the long-term, often-voiced, public concerns raised by their own police department. Perhaps there is even a basis for a class action law suit here.
This past January my son and I were T-Boned at an intersection in Arlington, TX. We were in a Honda Accord and proceeding through an intersection with a green light when we were hit squarely on the passenger side by a Chevy Suburban doing an estimated 50 mph according to an overheard conversation by police officers; however, the offending driver admitted fault but claimed that he was within the 45 mph speed limit - small matter as he has only the state minimum liability insurance coverage. Our vehicle was a total loss. I had to be cut out of our car.
Both my son and I have what appears to be at this point permanent muscle and nerve damage. After 10 months of trying to recover it is becoming apparent that additional recovery is unlikely for my son, IMO . Additional recovery is not in the cards at all for me according to my orthopedic surgeon this past Friday. I am now faced with pain management only.
I did a Google for accidents within the city of Arlington and found a site dated 2005 (I believe) in which the police department was taking the city to task for doing nothing to improve the 10 most dangerous intersections in Arlington. Yes, you guessed correctly, the intersection at which we were injured was listed as the most dangerous intersection of all. The offending driver claimed that he got confused by the traffic signals. I suspect that previous drivers have had the same complaint.
I need to find an attorney who will sue the city of Arlington on our behalf. I don't know what the technical breaches of the law are, but I feel that there must be some given the long-term, often-voiced, public concerns raised by their own police department. Perhaps there is even a basis for a class action law suit here.
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