My first marriage was not a good one by any means, there was constant cheating and abuse of all kinds from my husband. I married him because I was pregnant with his baby. During our marriage, he would leave me on a regular basis and for a long time I would just wait for him to come home (for months at times). Well, when he left me when my oldest daughter had cancer and started sleeping with all my friends, I went back to the father of my first child. I ended up getting pregnant with the man who wasn't my husband....and eventually, I ended up going back to my husband, He said that he had to be on the birth certificate because we were married. Well eventually, after the same patterns continued with my husband, I left him again. I went back to the father of (now 2) my children. I ended up getting pregnant again, this time however, I left both my husband, and the father of most of my children. I got an apartment, and divorced my husband.... I lived by myself for almost two years. My (now ex) husband and I started talking more and more, and I (stupidly) moved back in with him. Which lasted about a year. I know I have made a lot of idiotic choices in my life...But I am now re-married, and I have been for almost 3 years and we have been together for four. Now my ex husband decides to try and get custody of all but my oldest child. We are going through a VERY nasty custody battle, and I am worried about my children. The father of 3 of my children hasn't even been notified by my ex husband of anything at all, I have been telling him what is going on. My lawyer doesn't seem to be all that great, but he is what I can afford. As of right now, my ex husband has gotten rights to all (except my oldest) of my children. And their father (without even being notified in ANY way) is not allowed to see his own children .
you don't know me or my children....All of my kids are excellent students, and have GREAT communication with me, even my 15 year old....I am only interested in laws