When I fill out the forms there are places where they ask you if you need more room. If so to put the form number and section on the top of the page and add it to the packet.
Is there any rules to how I have to format these pages, like double spaced or a size of type, or a certain type. Besides the CR-143, Item 5 at the top of the page are there any other rules
I need more space to write my testimony, the officer's testimony and the legal error.
I have opted to go really simple and I basically said no to any motions or hearings because even though I submitted photos I don't know that there was a motion or a hearing on it and same for the amendment I don't know if that was a motion or a hearing.
So I am just going say there was testimony from me and the officer and summarize it and then put that long post down on the legal error as one legal error.
I am trying to get this out and together so I can file the CR-143.
I know I will have to figure out how many copies and I will have to serve a copy on the officer. Lots of details to figure out but if I keep taking it step by step I will have an appeal at least turned in.
I understand that I have to write a Brief later on but I don't have to worry about that quite yet. Right?
There are even more rules for the Brief but I am not at that point. I am just filling out the CR-143 form.